Plot type: Histogram bins the data by a single field and displays count of objects per bin. Heatmap bins the data by two fields and displays count as color. Conditional distribution bins the data by one field and displays the distribution of a second field within that bin as a boxplot (range and quartiles). Shows a scatterplot of a (random subset) of actual data points.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
Count: Choose whether the object count per bin is shown in linear or log scale. Count is shown on the Y axis. Count is shown on the color (Z) axis.
Active Filters
reset all
Use "*" as wildcard
μ : {{filter.aggs.avg?filter.render(filter.aggs.avg):'no data'}}
Examples:{{ bucket.key }}




Select field to filter
Random Sample
Python Query

Example python code to apply the above filters and retrieve data. To use, download and install this module.

Fields Dictionary
Field Variable Type Units Description
_file_upper _file_upper integer Upper bound for HEALpix index level 8 of source file for this row (used in determining source file name: "%s_%06d-%06d" % (table_name, source_id >> 43, _file_max))
source_id source_id long Unique source identifier (unique within a particular Data Release)
random_index random_index long Random index for use when selecting subsets
ref_epoch ref_epoch double yr Reference epoch
pos float Barycentric position
ra ra double deg Right ascension
ra_error ra_error float mas Standard error of right ascension
dec dec double deg Declination
dec_error dec_error float mas Standard error of declination
l l double deg Galactic longitude
b b double deg Galactic latitude
ecl_lon ecl_lon double deg Ecliptic longitude
ecl_lat ecl_lat double deg Ecliptic latitude
parallax parallax double mas Parallax
parallax_error parallax_error float mas Standard error of parallax
parallax_over_error parallax_over_error float Parallax divided by its standard error
pm double mas/year Proper motion
pm pm float mas.yr**-1 Total proper motion
pmra pmra double mas.yr**-1 Proper motion in right ascension direction
pmra_error pmra_error float mas.yr**-1 Standard error of proper motion in right ascension direction
pmdec pmdec double mas.yr**-1 Proper motion in declination direction
pmdec_error pmdec_error float mas.yr**-1 Standard error of proper motion in declination direction
corr float astrometric correlation coefficients
ra_dec_corr ra_dec_corr float Correlation between right ascension and declination
ra_parallax_corr ra_parallax_corr float Correlation between right ascension and parallax
ra_pmra_corr ra_pmra_corr float Correlation between right ascension and proper motion in right ascension
ra_pmdec_corr ra_pmdec_corr float Correlation between right ascension and proper motion in declination
dec_parallax_corr dec_parallax_corr float Correlation between declination and parallax
dec_pmra_corr dec_pmra_corr float Correlation between declination and proper motion in right ascension
dec_pmdec_corr dec_pmdec_corr float Correlation between declination and proper motion in declination
parallax_pmra_corr parallax_pmra_corr float Correlation between parallax and proper motion in right ascension
parallax_pmdec_corr parallax_pmdec_corr float Correlation between parallax and proper motion in declination
pmra_pmdec_corr pmra_pmdec_corr float Correlation between proper motion in right ascension and proper motion in declination
astrometric solution metadata float
astrometric_n_obs_al astrometric_n_obs_al short Total number of observations in the along-scan (AL) direction
astrometric_n_obs_ac astrometric_n_obs_ac short Total number of observations in the across-scan (AC) direction
astrometric_n_good_obs_al astrometric_n_good_obs_al short Number of good observations in the along-scan (AL) direction
astrometric_n_bad_obs_al astrometric_n_bad_obs_al short Number of bad observations in the along-scan (AL) direction
astrometric_gof_al astrometric_gof_al float Goodness of fit statistic of model wrt along-scan observations
astrometric_chi2_al astrometric_chi2_al float AL chi-square value
astrometric_excess_noise astrometric_excess_noise float mas Excess noise of the source
astrometric_excess_noise_sig astrometric_excess_noise_sig float Significance of excess noise
astrometric_params_solved astrometric_params_solved byte Which parameters have been solved for?
astrometric_primary_flag astrometric_primary_flag boolean Primary or secondary
nu_eff_used_in_astrometry nu_eff_used_in_astrometry float um**-1 Effective wavenumber of the source used in the astrometric solution
pseudocolour pseudocolour float um**-1 Astrometrically estimated pseudocolour of the source
pseudocolour_error pseudocolour_error float um**-1 Standard error of the pseudocolour of the source
ra_pseudocolour_corr ra_pseudocolour_corr float Correlation between right ascension and pseudocolour
dec_pseudocolour_corr dec_pseudocolour_corr float Correlation between declination and pseudocolour
parallax_pseudocolour_corr parallax_pseudocolour_corr float Correlation between parallax and pseudocolour
pmra_pseudocolour_corr pmra_pseudocolour_corr float Correlation between proper motion in right asension and pseudocolour
pmdec_pseudocolour_corr pmdec_pseudocolour_corr float Correlation between proper motion in declination and pseudocolour
astrometric_matched_transits astrometric_matched_transits short Matched FOV transits used in the AGIS solution
visibility_periods_used visibility_periods_used short Number of visibility periods used in Astrometric solution
astrometric_sigma5d_max astrometric_sigma5d_max float mas The longest semi-major axis of the 5-d error ellipsoid
matched_transits matched_transits short The number of transits matched to this source
new_matched_transits new_matched_transits short The number of transits newly incorporated into an existing source in the current cycle
matched_transits_removed matched_transits_removed short The number of transits removed from an existing source in the current cycle
ipd_gof_harmonic_amplitude ipd_gof_harmonic_amplitude float Amplitude of the IPD GoF versus position angle of scan
ipd_gof_harmonic_phase ipd_gof_harmonic_phase float deg Phase of the IPD GoF versus position angle of scan
ipd_frac_multi_peak ipd_frac_multi_peak byte Percent of successful-IPD windows with more than one peak
ipd_frac_odd_win ipd_frac_odd_win byte Percent of transits with truncated windows or multiple gate
ruwe ruwe float Renormalised unit weight error
scan_direction_strength_k1 scan_direction_strength_k1 float Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source
scan_direction_strength_k2 scan_direction_strength_k2 float Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source
scan_direction_strength_k3 scan_direction_strength_k3 float Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source
scan_direction_strength_k4 scan_direction_strength_k4 float Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source
scan_direction_mean_k1 scan_direction_mean_k1 float deg Mean position angle of scan directions across the source
scan_direction_mean_k2 scan_direction_mean_k2 float deg Mean position angle of scan directions across the source
scan_direction_mean_k3 scan_direction_mean_k3 float deg Mean position angle of scan directions across the source
scan_direction_mean_k4 scan_direction_mean_k4 float deg Mean position angle of scan directions across the source
duplicated_source duplicated_source boolean Source with multiple source identifiers
phot_g float G-band photometry
phot_g_n_obs phot_g_n_obs short Number of observations contributing to G photometry
phot_g_mean_flux phot_g_mean_flux double 'electron'.s**-1 G-band mean flux
phot_g_mean_flux_error phot_g_mean_flux_error float 'electron'.s**-1 Error on G-band mean flux
phot_g_mean_flux_over_error phot_g_mean_flux_over_error float G-band mean flux divided by its error
phot_g_mean_mag phot_g_mean_mag float mag G-band mean magnitude
phot_bp float BP photometry
phot_bp_n_obs phot_bp_n_obs short Number of observations contributing to BP photometry
phot_bp_mean_flux phot_bp_mean_flux double 'electron'.s**-1 Integrated BP mean flux
phot_bp_mean_flux_error phot_bp_mean_flux_error float 'electron'.s**-1 Error on the integrated BP mean flux
phot_bp_mean_flux_over_error phot_bp_mean_flux_over_error float Integrated BP mean flux divided by its error
phot_bp_mean_mag phot_bp_mean_mag float mag Integrated BP mean magnitude
phot_bp_n_contaminated_transits phot_bp_n_contaminated_transits short Number of BP contaminated transits
phot_bp_n_blended_transits phot_bp_n_blended_transits short Number of BP blended transits
phot_rp float RP photometry
phot_rp_n_obs phot_rp_n_obs short Number of observations contributing to RP photometry
phot_rp_mean_flux phot_rp_mean_flux double 'electron'.s**-1 Integrated RP mean flux
phot_rp_mean_flux_error phot_rp_mean_flux_error float 'electron'.s**-1 Error on the integrated RP mean flux
phot_rp_mean_flux_over_error phot_rp_mean_flux_over_error float Integrated RP mean flux divided by its error
phot_rp_mean_mag phot_rp_mean_mag float mag Integrated RP mean magnitude
phot_bp_rp_excess_factor phot_bp_rp_excess_factor float BP/RP excess factor
phot_rp_n_contaminated_transits phot_rp_n_contaminated_transits short Number of RP contaminated transits
phot_rp_n_blended_transits phot_rp_n_blended_transits short Number of RP blended transits
phot_proc_mode phot_proc_mode byte Photometry processing mode
bp_rp bp_rp float mag BP - RP colour
bp_g bp_g float mag BP - G colour
g_rp g_rp float mag G - RP colour
rv float Radial velocity
radial_velocity radial_velocity float km.s**-1 Radial velocity
radial_velocity_error radial_velocity_error float km.s**-1 Radial velocity error
rv_method_used rv_method_used byte Method used to obtain the radial velocity
rv_nb_transits rv_nb_transits short Number of transits used to compute the radial velocity
rv_nb_deblended_transits rv_nb_deblended_transits short Number of valid transits that have undergone deblending
rv_visibility_periods_used rv_visibility_periods_used short Number of visibility periods used to estimate the radial velocity
rv_expected_sig_to_noise rv_expected_sig_to_noise float Expected signal to noise ratio in the combination of the spectra used to obtain the radial velocity
rv_renormalised_gof rv_renormalised_gof float Radial velocity renormalised goodness of fit
rv_chisq_pvalue rv_chisq_pvalue float P-value for constancy based on a chi-squared criterion
rv_time_duration rv_time_duration float d Time coverage of the radial velocity time series
rv_amplitude_robust rv_amplitude_robust float km.s**-1 Total amplitude in the radial velocity time series after outlier removal
rv_template_teff rv_template_teff float K Teff of the template used to compute the radial velocity
rv_template_logg rv_template_logg float log(cm.s**-2) Logg of the template used to compute the radial velocity
rv_template_fe_h rv_template_fe_h float 'dex' [Fe/H] of the template used to compute the radial velocityy
rv_atm_param_origin rv_atm_param_origin short Origin of the atmospheric parameters associated to the template
vbroad vbroad float km.s**-1 Spectral line broadening parameter
vbroad_error vbroad_error float km.s**-1 Uncertainty on the spectral line broadening
vbroad_nb_transits vbroad_nb_transits short Number of transits used to compute vbroad
grvs_mag grvs_mag float mag Integrated Grvs magnitude
grvs_mag_error grvs_mag_error float mag Grvs magnitude uncertainty
grvs_mag_nb_transits grvs_mag_nb_transits short Number of transits used to compute Grvs
rvs_spec_sig_to_noise rvs_spec_sig_to_noise float Signal to noise ratio in the mean RVS spectrum
phot_variable_flag phot_variable_flag byte Photometric variability flag
metadata_flags float Flags that indicate presence of more specialized data for a given source
in_qso_candidates in_qso_candidates boolean Flag indicating the availability of additional information in the QsoCandidates table
in_galaxy_candidates in_galaxy_candidates boolean Flag indicating the availability of additional information in the GalaxyCandidates table
non_single_star non_single_star short Flag indicating the availability of additional information in the various Non-Single Star tables
has_xp_continuous has_xp_continuous boolean Flag indicating the availability of mean BP/RP spectrum in continuous representation for this source
has_xp_sampled has_xp_sampled boolean Flag indicating the availability of mean BP/RP spectrum in sampled form for this source
has_rvs has_rvs boolean Flag indicating the availability of mean RVS spectrum for this source
has_epoch_photometry has_epoch_photometry boolean Flag indicating the availability of epoch photometry for this source
has_epoch_rv has_epoch_rv boolean Flag indicating the availability of epoch radial velocity for this source
has_mcmc_gspphot has_mcmc_gspphot boolean Flag indicating the availability of GSP-Phot MCMC samples for this source
has_mcmc_msc has_mcmc_msc boolean Flag indicating the availability of MSC MCMC samples for this source
in_andromeda_survey in_andromeda_survey boolean Flag indicating that the source is present in the Gaia Andromeda Photometric Survey (GAPS)
astrophysical_parameters float This is the main table containing the 1D astrophysical parameters produced by the Apsis processing chain developed in Gaia DPAC CU8. Additional parameters can be found in table AstrophysicalParametersSupp.
_index astrophysical_parameters__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
classprob float Class probabilities for source classification
classprob_dsc_combmod_quasar astrophysical_parameters_classprob_dsc_combmod_quasar float Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a quasar (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry)
classprob_dsc_combmod_galaxy astrophysical_parameters_classprob_dsc_combmod_galaxy float Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a galaxy (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry)
classprob_dsc_combmod_star astrophysical_parameters_classprob_dsc_combmod_star float Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a single star (but not a white dwarf) (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry)
classprob_dsc_combmod_whitedwarf astrophysical_parameters_classprob_dsc_combmod_whitedwarf float Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a white dwarf (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry)
classprob_dsc_combmod_binarystar astrophysical_parameters_classprob_dsc_combmod_binarystar float Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a binary star (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry)
classprob_dsc_specmod_quasar astrophysical_parameters_classprob_dsc_specmod_quasar float Probability from DSC-Specmod of being a quasar (data used: BP/RP spectrum)
classprob_dsc_specmod_galaxy astrophysical_parameters_classprob_dsc_specmod_galaxy float Probability from DSC-Specmod of being a galaxy (data used: BP/RP spectrum)
classprob_dsc_specmod_star astrophysical_parameters_classprob_dsc_specmod_star float Probability from DSC-Specmod of being a single star (but not a white dwarf) (data used: BP/RP spectrum)
classprob_dsc_specmod_whitedwarf astrophysical_parameters_classprob_dsc_specmod_whitedwarf float Probability from DSC-Specmod of being a white dwarf (data used: BP/RP spectrum)
classprob_dsc_specmod_binarystar astrophysical_parameters_classprob_dsc_specmod_binarystar float Probability from DSC-Specmod of being a binary star (data used: BP/RP spectrum)
classprob_dsc_allosmod_quasar astrophysical_parameters_classprob_dsc_allosmod_quasar float Probability from DSC-Allosmod of being a quasar (data used: photometry, astrometry)
classprob_dsc_allosmod_galaxy astrophysical_parameters_classprob_dsc_allosmod_galaxy float Probability from DSC-Allosmod of being a galaxy (data used: photometry, astrometry)
classprob_dsc_allosmod_star astrophysical_parameters_classprob_dsc_allosmod_star float Probability from DSC-Allosmod of being a star (data used: photometry, astrometry)
teff float K stellar effective temperature
teff_gspphot astrophysical_parameters_teff_gspphot float K Effective temperature from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
teff_gspphot_lower astrophysical_parameters_teff_gspphot_lower float K Lower confidence level (16%) of effective temperature from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
teff_gspphot_upper astrophysical_parameters_teff_gspphot_upper float K Upper confidence level (84%) of effective temperature from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
teff_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_teff_gspspec float K Effective temperature from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
teff_gspspec_lower astrophysical_parameters_teff_gspspec_lower float K 16th percentile of effective temperature from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
teff_gspspec_upper astrophysical_parameters_teff_gspspec_upper float K 84th percentile of effective temperature from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
logg float log(cm.s**-2) stellar surface gravity
logg_gspphot astrophysical_parameters_logg_gspphot float log(cm.s**-2) Surface gravity from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
logg_gspphot_lower astrophysical_parameters_logg_gspphot_lower float log(cm.s**-2) Lower confidence level (16%) of surface gravity from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
logg_gspphot_upper astrophysical_parameters_logg_gspphot_upper float log(cm.s**-2) Upper confidence level (84%) of surface gravity from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
logg_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_logg_gspspec float log(cm.s**-2) Logarithm of the stellar surface gravity from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
logg_gspspec_lower astrophysical_parameters_logg_gspspec_lower float log(cm.s**-2) 16th percentile of the logarithm of the stellar surface gravity from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
logg_gspspec_upper astrophysical_parameters_logg_gspspec_upper float log(cm.s**-2) 84th percentile of the logarithm of the stellar surface gravity from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
mh float dex stellar metallicity
mh_gspphot astrophysical_parameters_mh_gspphot float dex Iron abundance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
mh_gspphot_lower astrophysical_parameters_mh_gspphot_lower float dex Lower confidence level (16%) of iron abundance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
mh_gspphot_upper astrophysical_parameters_mh_gspphot_upper float dex Upper confidence level (84%) of iron abundance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
mh_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_mh_gspspec float 'dex' Global metallicity [M/H] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
mh_gspspec_lower astrophysical_parameters_mh_gspspec_lower float 'dex' 16th percentile of global metallicity [M/H] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
mh_gspspec_upper astrophysical_parameters_mh_gspspec_upper float 'dex' 84th percentile of global metallicity [M/H] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
distance float pc distance to star
distance_gspphot astrophysical_parameters_distance_gspphot float pc Distance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
distance_gspphot_lower astrophysical_parameters_distance_gspphot_lower float pc Lower confidence level (16%) of distance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
distance_gspphot_upper astrophysical_parameters_distance_gspphot_upper float pc Upper confidence level (84%) of distance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
azero float mag monochromatic extinction
azero_gspphot astrophysical_parameters_azero_gspphot float mag Monochromatic extinction \(A_0\) at 547.7nm from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
azero_gspphot_lower astrophysical_parameters_azero_gspphot_lower float mag Lower confidence level (16%) of monochromatic extinction \(A_0\) at 547.7nm from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
azero_gspphot_upper astrophysical_parameters_azero_gspphot_upper float mag Upper confidence level (84%) of monochromatic extinction \(A_0\) at 547.7nm from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
ag float mag extinction in G band
ag_gspphot astrophysical_parameters_ag_gspphot float mag Extinction in G band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
ag_gspphot_lower astrophysical_parameters_ag_gspphot_lower float mag Lower confidence level (16%) of extinction in G band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
ag_gspphot_upper astrophysical_parameters_ag_gspphot_upper float mag Upper confidence level (84%) of extinction in G band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
abp float mag extinction in Bp
abp_gspphot astrophysical_parameters_abp_gspphot float mag Extinction in \(G_{\rm BP}\) band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
abp_gspphot_lower astrophysical_parameters_abp_gspphot_lower float mag Lower confidence level (16%) of extinction in \(G_{\rm BP}\) band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
abp_gspphot_upper astrophysical_parameters_abp_gspphot_upper float mag Upper confidence level (84%) of extinction in \(G_{\rm BP}\) band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
arp float mag extinction in Rp
arp_gspphot astrophysical_parameters_arp_gspphot float mag Extinction in \(G_{\rm RP}\) band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
arp_gspphot_lower astrophysical_parameters_arp_gspphot_lower float mag Lower confidence level (16%) of extinction in \(G_{\rm RP}\) band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
arp_gspphot_upper astrophysical_parameters_arp_gspphot_upper float mag Upper confidence level (84%) of extinction in \(G_{\rm RP}\) band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
ebpminrp float mag reddening
ebpminrp_gspphot astrophysical_parameters_ebpminrp_gspphot float mag Reddening \(E(G_{\rm BP} - G_{\rm RP})\) from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
ebpminrp_gspphot_lower astrophysical_parameters_ebpminrp_gspphot_lower float mag Lower confidence level (16%) of reddening \(E(G_{\rm BP} - G_{\rm RP})\) from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
ebpminrp_gspphot_upper astrophysical_parameters_ebpminrp_gspphot_upper float mag Upper confidence level (84%) of reddening \(E(G_{\rm BP} - G_{\rm RP})\) from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
mg float mag Absolute magnitude
mg_gspphot astrophysical_parameters_mg_gspphot float mag Absolute magnitude \(M_{\rm G}\) from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
mg_gspphot_lower astrophysical_parameters_mg_gspphot_lower float mag Lower confidence level (16%) of absolute magnitude \(M_{\rm G}\) from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
mg_gspphot_upper astrophysical_parameters_mg_gspphot_upper float mag Upper confidence level (84%) of absolute magnitude \(M_{\rm G}\) from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
radius float solRad Stellar radius
radius_gspphot astrophysical_parameters_radius_gspphot float solRad Radius from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
radius_gspphot_lower astrophysical_parameters_radius_gspphot_lower float solRad Lower confidence level (16%) of radius from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
radius_gspphot_upper astrophysical_parameters_radius_gspphot_upper float solRad Upper confidence level (84%) of radius from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra
gspphot_metadata float Metadata related to the gspphot processing
logposterior_gspphot astrophysical_parameters_logposterior_gspphot float Goodness-of-fit score (mean log-posterior of MCMC) of GSP-Phot Aeneas MCMC best library
mcmcaccept_gspphot astrophysical_parameters_mcmcaccept_gspphot float MCMC acceptance rate of GSP-Phot Aeneas MCMC best library
libname_gspphot astrophysical_parameters_libname_gspphot byte Name of library that achieves the highest mean log-posterior in MCMC samples and was used to derive GSP-Phot parameters in this table
alphafe float dex Abundance of alpha-elements [alpha/Fe]
alphafe_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_alphafe_gspspec float 'dex' Abundance of alpha-elements [alpha/Fe] with respect to iron from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
alphafe_gspspec_lower astrophysical_parameters_alphafe_gspspec_lower float 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of alpha-elements [alpha/Fe] with respect to iron from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
alphafe_gspspec_upper astrophysical_parameters_alphafe_gspspec_upper float 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of alpha-elements [alpha/Fe] with respect to iron from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
fem float dex Abundance of neutral iron
fem_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_fem_gspspec float 'dex' Abundance of neutral iron [Fe/M] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in femGspspecNlines
fem_gspspec_lower astrophysical_parameters_fem_gspspec_lower float 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of neutral iron [Fe/M] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
fem_gspspec_upper astrophysical_parameters_fem_gspspec_upper float 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of neutral iron [Fe/M] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
fem_gspspec_nlines astrophysical_parameters_fem_gspspec_nlines integer dex Number of lines used for [Fe/M] abundance estimation
fem_gspspec_linescatter astrophysical_parameters_fem_gspspec_linescatter float 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [Fe/M] abundance using N lines of the element, given in femGspspecNlines
sife float dex Abundance of Silicon
sife_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_sife_gspspec float 'dex' Abundance of Silicon [Si/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in sifeGspspecNlines
sife_gspspec_lower astrophysical_parameters_sife_gspspec_lower float 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of silicon [Si/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
sife_gspspec_upper astrophysical_parameters_sife_gspspec_upper float 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of silicon [Si/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
sife_gspspec_nlines astrophysical_parameters_sife_gspspec_nlines integer dex Number of lines used for [Si/Fe] abundance estimation
sife_gspspec_linescatter astrophysical_parameters_sife_gspspec_linescatter float 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [Si/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in sifeGspspecNlines
cafe float dex Abundance of Calcium
cafe_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_cafe_gspspec float 'dex' Abundance of Calcium [Ca/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in cafeGspspecNlines
cafe_gspspec_lower astrophysical_parameters_cafe_gspspec_lower float 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of Calcium [Ca/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
cafe_gspspec_upper astrophysical_parameters_cafe_gspspec_upper float 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of Calcium [Ca/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
cafe_gspspec_nlines astrophysical_parameters_cafe_gspspec_nlines integer dex Number of lines used for [Ca/Fe] abundance estimation
cafe_gspspec_linescatter astrophysical_parameters_cafe_gspspec_linescatter float 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [Ca/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in cafeGspspecNlines
tife float dex Abundance of Titanium
tife_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_tife_gspspec float 'dex' Abundance of Titanium [Ti/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in tifeGspspecNlines
tife_gspspec_lower astrophysical_parameters_tife_gspspec_lower float 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of Titanium [Ti/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
tife_gspspec_upper astrophysical_parameters_tife_gspspec_upper float 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of Titanium [Ti/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
tife_gspspec_nlines astrophysical_parameters_tife_gspspec_nlines integer dex Number of lines used for [Ti/Fe] abundance estimation
tife_gspspec_linescatter astrophysical_parameters_tife_gspspec_linescatter float 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [Ti/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in tifeGspspecNlines
mgfe float dex Abundance of Magnesium
mgfe_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_mgfe_gspspec float 'dex' Abundance of Magnesium [Mg/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in mgfeGspspecNlines
mgfe_gspspec_lower astrophysical_parameters_mgfe_gspspec_lower float 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of Magnesium [Mg/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
mgfe_gspspec_upper astrophysical_parameters_mgfe_gspspec_upper float 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of Magnesium [Mg/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
mgfe_gspspec_nlines astrophysical_parameters_mgfe_gspspec_nlines integer dex Number of lines used for [Mg/Fe] abundance estimation
mgfe_gspspec_linescatter astrophysical_parameters_mgfe_gspspec_linescatter float 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [Mg/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in mgfeGspspecNlines
ndfe float dex Abundance of Neodymium
ndfe_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_ndfe_gspspec float 'dex' Abundance of neodymium [Nd/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in ndfeGspspecNlines
ndfe_gspspec_lower astrophysical_parameters_ndfe_gspspec_lower float 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of neodymium [Nd/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
ndfe_gspspec_upper astrophysical_parameters_ndfe_gspspec_upper float 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of neodymium [Nd/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
ndfe_gspspec_nlines astrophysical_parameters_ndfe_gspspec_nlines integer dex Number of lines used for [Nd/Fe] abundance estimation
ndfe_gspspec_linescatter astrophysical_parameters_ndfe_gspspec_linescatter float 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [Nd/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in ndfeGspspecNlines
feiim float dex Abundance of ionised Iron
feiim_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_feiim_gspspec float 'dex' Abundance of ionised iron [FeII/M] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in feiimGspspecNlines
feiim_gspspec_lower astrophysical_parameters_feiim_gspspec_lower float 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of ionised iron [FeII/M] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
feiim_gspspec_upper astrophysical_parameters_feiim_gspspec_upper float 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of ionised iron [FeII/M] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
feiim_gspspec_nlines astrophysical_parameters_feiim_gspspec_nlines integer dex Number of lines used for [FeII/M] abundance estimation
feiim_gspspec_linescatter astrophysical_parameters_feiim_gspspec_linescatter float 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [FeII/M] abundance using N lines of the element, given in feiimGspspecNlines
sfe float dex Abundance of Sulphur
sfe_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_sfe_gspspec float 'dex' Abundance of Sulphur [S/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in sfeGspspecNlines
sfe_gspspec_lower astrophysical_parameters_sfe_gspspec_lower float 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of Sulphur [S/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
sfe_gspspec_upper astrophysical_parameters_sfe_gspspec_upper float 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of Sulphur [S/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
sfe_gspspec_nlines astrophysical_parameters_sfe_gspspec_nlines integer dex Number of lines used for [S/Fe] abundance estimation
sfe_gspspec_linescatter astrophysical_parameters_sfe_gspspec_linescatter float 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [S/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in sfeGspspecNlines
zrfe float dex Abundance of Zirconium
zrfe_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_zrfe_gspspec float 'dex' Abundance of Zirconium [Zr/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in zrfeGspspecNlines
zrfe_gspspec_lower astrophysical_parameters_zrfe_gspspec_lower float 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of Zirconium [Zr/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
zrfe_gspspec_upper astrophysical_parameters_zrfe_gspspec_upper float 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of Zirconium [Zr/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
zrfe_gspspec_nlines astrophysical_parameters_zrfe_gspspec_nlines integer dex Number of lines used for [Zr/Fe] abundance estimation
zrfe_gspspec_linescatter astrophysical_parameters_zrfe_gspspec_linescatter float 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [Zr/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in zrfeGspspecNlines
nfe float dex Abundance of Nitrogen
nfe_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_nfe_gspspec float 'dex' Abundance of Nitrogen [N/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in nfeGspspecNlines
nfe_gspspec_lower astrophysical_parameters_nfe_gspspec_lower float 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of Nitrogen [N/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
nfe_gspspec_upper astrophysical_parameters_nfe_gspspec_upper float 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of Nitrogen [N/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
nfe_gspspec_nlines astrophysical_parameters_nfe_gspspec_nlines integer dex Number of lines used for [N/Fe] abundance estimation
nfe_gspspec_linescatter astrophysical_parameters_nfe_gspspec_linescatter float 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [N/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in nfeGspspecNlines
crfe float dex Abundance of Chromium
crfe_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_crfe_gspspec float 'dex' Abundance of Chromium [Cr/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in crfeGspspecNlines
crfe_gspspec_lower astrophysical_parameters_crfe_gspspec_lower float 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of Chromium [Cr/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
crfe_gspspec_upper astrophysical_parameters_crfe_gspspec_upper float 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of Chromium [Cr/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
crfe_gspspec_nlines astrophysical_parameters_crfe_gspspec_nlines integer dex Number of lines used for [Cr/Fe] abundance estimation
crfe_gspspec_linescatter astrophysical_parameters_crfe_gspspec_linescatter float 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [Cr/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in crfeGspspecNlines
cefe float dex Abundance of Cerium
cefe_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_cefe_gspspec float 'dex' Abundance of Cerium [Ce/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in cefeGspspecNlines
cefe_gspspec_lower astrophysical_parameters_cefe_gspspec_lower float 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of Cerium [Ce/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
cefe_gspspec_upper astrophysical_parameters_cefe_gspspec_upper float 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of Cerium [Ce/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
cefe_gspspec_nlines astrophysical_parameters_cefe_gspspec_nlines integer dex Number of lines used for [Ce/Fe] abundance estimation
cefe_gspspec_linescatter astrophysical_parameters_cefe_gspspec_linescatter float 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [Ce/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in cefeGspspecNlines
nife float dex Abundance of Nickel
nife_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_nife_gspspec float 'dex' Abundance of Nickel [Ni/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in nifeGspspecNlines
nife_gspspec_lower astrophysical_parameters_nife_gspspec_lower float 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of Nickel [Ni/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
nife_gspspec_upper astrophysical_parameters_nife_gspspec_upper float 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of Nickel [Ni/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations
nife_gspspec_nlines astrophysical_parameters_nife_gspspec_nlines integer dex Number of lines used for [Ni/Fe] abundance estimation
nife_gspspec_linescatter astrophysical_parameters_nife_gspspec_linescatter float 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [Ni/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in nifeGspspecNlines
cn0ew float dex Equivalent witdh of cyanogen absorption line
cn0ew_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_cn0ew_gspspec float nm Equivalent witdh of cyanogen absorption line, derived from RVS spectra
cn0ew_gspspec_uncertainty astrophysical_parameters_cn0ew_gspspec_uncertainty float nm Uncertainty of equivalent witdh of cyanogen absorption line, derived from RVS spectra
cn0_gspspec_centralline astrophysical_parameters_cn0_gspspec_centralline float nm Central wavelength of cyanogen line, derived from RVS spectra using DIB algorithm
cn0_gspspec_width astrophysical_parameters_cn0_gspspec_width float nm Width of cyoanogen line, derived from RVS spectra using DIB algorithm
dib float Diffuse interstellar band (DIB)
dib_gspspec_lambda astrophysical_parameters_dib_gspspec_lambda float nm DIB central wavelength from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra
dib_gspspec_lambda_uncertainty astrophysical_parameters_dib_gspspec_lambda_uncertainty float nm Uncertainty on DIB central wavelength from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra
dibew_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_dibew_gspspec float angstrom Equivalent width of the DIB from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra
dibew_gspspec_uncertainty astrophysical_parameters_dibew_gspspec_uncertainty float angstrom Global uncertainty on DIB equivalent width value using DIB algorithm
dibewnoise_gspspec_uncertainty astrophysical_parameters_dibewnoise_gspspec_uncertainty float angstrom Uncertainty on DIB equivalent width value occuring from noise part
dibp0_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_dibp0_gspspec float Depth (\(p_0\) parameter) of the DIB derived from a Gaussian model fit
dibp2_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_dibp2_gspspec float angstrom Width (\(p_2\) parameter) of the DIB derived from a Gaussian model fit
dibp2_gspspec_uncertainty astrophysical_parameters_dibp2_gspspec_uncertainty float angstrom Uncertainty on the dibp2Gspspec parameter
dibqf_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_dibqf_gspspec integer Quality flag of the DIB computation
gspspec_metadata float Metadata related to the gspspec processing
logchisq_gspspec astrophysical_parameters_logchisq_gspspec float Logarithm of the goodness-of-fit for the GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin parameters
espels float Data from the ESP-ELS (emission line stars) processing
ew_espels_halpha astrophysical_parameters_ew_espels_halpha float nm Halpha pseudo-equivalent width from ESP-ELS
ew_espels_halpha_uncertainty astrophysical_parameters_ew_espels_halpha_uncertainty float nm Uncertainty of the Halpha pseudo-equivalent width from ESP-ELS
ew_espels_halpha_flag astrophysical_parameters_ew_espels_halpha_flag byte Quality flag of the Halpha pseudo-equivalent width from ESP-ELS
ew_espels_halpha_model astrophysical_parameters_ew_espels_halpha_model float nm Halpha pseudo-equivalent width from ESP-ELS measured on the synthetic spectrum
classlabel_espels astrophysical_parameters_classlabel_espels byte Adopted ELS class label from ESP-ELS
classlabel_espels_flag astrophysical_parameters_classlabel_espels_flag byte Quality flag of the adopted ELS class label from ESP-ELS
classprob_espels_wcstar astrophysical_parameters_classprob_espels_wcstar float Probability from ESP-ELS of being a Wolf-Rayet star of type WC
classprob_espels_wnstar astrophysical_parameters_classprob_espels_wnstar float Probability from ESP-ELS of being a Wolf-Rayet star of type WN
classprob_espels_bestar astrophysical_parameters_classprob_espels_bestar float Probability from ESP-ELS of being a Be Star
classprob_espels_ttauristar astrophysical_parameters_classprob_espels_ttauristar float Probability from ESP-ELS of being a T Tauri Star
classprob_espels_herbigstar astrophysical_parameters_classprob_espels_herbigstar float Probability from ESP-ELS of being a Herbig Ae/Be Star
classprob_espels_dmestar astrophysical_parameters_classprob_espels_dmestar float Probability from ESP-ELS of being an active M dwarf Star
classprob_espels_pne astrophysical_parameters_classprob_espels_pne float Probability from ESP-ELS of being a planetary nebula
esphs float Data from the ESP-HS (hot stars) processing
azero_esphs astrophysical_parameters_azero_esphs float mag Monochromatic interstellar extinction, A\(_\mathrm{0}\), from ESP-HS
azero_esphs_uncertainty astrophysical_parameters_azero_esphs_uncertainty float mag Uncertainty at a 68% confidence level on A\(_\mathrm{0}\) from ESP-HS
ag_esphs astrophysical_parameters_ag_esphs float mag Intersterstellar extinction in G band from ESP-HS
ag_esphs_uncertainty astrophysical_parameters_ag_esphs_uncertainty float mag Uncertainty on \(A_{\rm G}\) from ESP-HS
ebpminrp_esphs astrophysical_parameters_ebpminrp_esphs float mag Reddening \(E(G_{\rm BP} - G_{\rm RP})\) from ESP-HS
ebpminrp_esphs_uncertainty astrophysical_parameters_ebpminrp_esphs_uncertainty float mag Uncertainty on \(E(G_{\rm BP} - G_{\rm RP})\) from ESP-HS
teff_esphs astrophysical_parameters_teff_esphs float K Effective temperature from ESP-HS
teff_esphs_uncertainty astrophysical_parameters_teff_esphs_uncertainty float K Uncertainty at a 68% confidence level on the effective temperature from ESP-HS
logg_esphs astrophysical_parameters_logg_esphs float log(cm.s**-2) Surface gravity from ESP-HS
logg_esphs_uncertainty astrophysical_parameters_logg_esphs_uncertainty float log(cm.s**-2) Uncertainty at a 68% confidence level on the surface gravity from ESP-HS
vsini_esphs astrophysical_parameters_vsini_esphs float km.s**-1 Projected rotational velocity from ESP-HS
vsini_esphs_uncertainty astrophysical_parameters_vsini_esphs_uncertainty float km.s**-1 Uncertainty on the projected rotational velocity from ESP-HS
spectraltype_esphs astrophysical_parameters_spectraltype_esphs byte Spectral type from ESP-ELS
espcs float Data from the ESP-CS (cool stars) processing
activityindex_espcs astrophysical_parameters_activityindex_espcs float nm Chromospheric activity index from ESP-CS, measured on the calcium triplet using RVS spectra
activityindex_espcs_uncertainty astrophysical_parameters_activityindex_espcs_uncertainty float nm Uncertainty in the chromospheric activity index from ESP-CS
activityindex_espcs_input astrophysical_parameters_activityindex_espcs_input byte Source of input stellar parameters for the computation of the activity index by ESP-CS
espucd float Data from the ESP-UCD (ultra cool dwarfs) processing
teff_espucd astrophysical_parameters_teff_espucd float K Effective temperature estimate from ESP-UCD based on the RP spectrum
teff_espucd_uncertainty astrophysical_parameters_teff_espucd_uncertainty float K Uncertainty of the effective temperature estimate produced by ESP-UCD
flags_espucd astrophysical_parameters_flags_espucd byte Quality flags of the ESP-UCD parameter estimates
flame float Stellar parameters from the Final Luminosity Age Mass Estimator (FLAME)
radius_flame astrophysical_parameters_radius_flame float solRad Radius of the star from FLAME using teffGspphot and lumFlame
radius_flame_lower astrophysical_parameters_radius_flame_lower float solRad Lower confidence level (16%) of radiusFlame
radius_flame_upper astrophysical_parameters_radius_flame_upper float solRad Upper confidence level (84%) of radiusFlame
lum_flame astrophysical_parameters_lum_flame float solLum Luminosity of the star from FLAME using G band magnitude, extinction (agGspphot), parallax or distance, and a bolometric correction bcFlame
lum_flame_lower astrophysical_parameters_lum_flame_lower float solLum Lower confidence level (16%) of lumFlame
lum_flame_upper astrophysical_parameters_lum_flame_upper float solLum Upper confidence level (84%) of lumFlame
mass_flame astrophysical_parameters_mass_flame float solMass Mass of the star from FLAME using stellar models, lumFlame, and teffGspphot
mass_flame_lower astrophysical_parameters_mass_flame_lower float solMass Lower confidence level (16%) of massFlame
mass_flame_upper astrophysical_parameters_mass_flame_upper float solMass Upper confidence level (84%) of massFlame
age_flame astrophysical_parameters_age_flame float Gyr Age of the star from FLAME using stellar models, see massFlame for details
age_flame_lower astrophysical_parameters_age_flame_lower float Gyr Lower confidence level (16%) of ageFlame
age_flame_upper astrophysical_parameters_age_flame_upper float Gyr Upper confidence level (84%) of ageFlame
flags_flame astrophysical_parameters_flags_flame byte Flags indicating quality and processing information from FLAME
evolstage_flame astrophysical_parameters_evolstage_flame integer Evolutionary stage of the star from FLAME using stellar models, see massFlame for details
gravredshift_flame astrophysical_parameters_gravredshift_flame float km.s**-1 Gravitational redshift from FLAME using radiusFlame and loggGspphot
gravredshift_flame_lower astrophysical_parameters_gravredshift_flame_lower float km.s**-1 Lower confidence level (16%) of gravredshiftFlame
gravredshift_flame_upper astrophysical_parameters_gravredshift_flame_upper float km.s**-1 Upper confidence level (84%) of gravredshiftFlame
bc_flame astrophysical_parameters_bc_flame float mag Bolometric correction used to derive lumFlame
msc float Stellar parameters from the Multiple Star Classifier (MSC)
mh_msc astrophysical_parameters_mh_msc float 'dex' Metallicity of the source treated as a binary system from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
mh_msc_upper astrophysical_parameters_mh_msc_upper float 'dex' Upper confidence level (84%) of the metallicity from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
mh_msc_lower astrophysical_parameters_mh_msc_lower float 'dex' Lower confidence level (16%) of the metallicity from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
azero_msc astrophysical_parameters_azero_msc float mag Monochromatic extinction \(A_0\) at 547.7nm of the source treated as a binary system from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
azero_msc_upper astrophysical_parameters_azero_msc_upper float mag Upper confidence level (84%) of monochromatic extinction \(A_0\) at 547.7nm from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
azero_msc_lower astrophysical_parameters_azero_msc_lower float mag Lower confidence level (16%) of monochromatic extinction \(A_0\) at 547.7nm from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
distance_msc astrophysical_parameters_distance_msc float pc Distance from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
distance_msc_upper astrophysical_parameters_distance_msc_upper float pc Upper confidence level (84%) of distance from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
distance_msc_lower astrophysical_parameters_distance_msc_lower float pc Lower confidence level (16%) of distance from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
teff_msc1 astrophysical_parameters_teff_msc1 float K Effective temperature of the primary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
teff_msc1_upper astrophysical_parameters_teff_msc1_upper float K Upper confidence level (84%) of effective temperature of the primary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
teff_msc1_lower astrophysical_parameters_teff_msc1_lower float K Lower confidence level (16%) of effective temperature of the primary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
teff_msc2 astrophysical_parameters_teff_msc2 float K Effective temperature of the secondary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
teff_msc2_upper astrophysical_parameters_teff_msc2_upper float K Upper confidence level (84%) of effective temperature of the secondary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
teff_msc2_lower astrophysical_parameters_teff_msc2_lower float K Lower confidence level (16%) of effective temperature of the secondary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
logg_msc1 astrophysical_parameters_logg_msc1 float log(cm.s**-2) Surface gravity of the primary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
logg_msc1_upper astrophysical_parameters_logg_msc1_upper float log(cm.s**-2) Upper confidence level (84%) of surface gravity of the primary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
logg_msc1_lower astrophysical_parameters_logg_msc1_lower float log(cm.s**-2) Lower confidence level (16%) of surface gravity of the primary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
logg_msc2 astrophysical_parameters_logg_msc2 float log(cm.s**-2) Surface gravity of the secondary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
logg_msc2_upper astrophysical_parameters_logg_msc2_upper float log(cm.s**-2) Upper confidence level (84%) of surface gravity of the secondary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
logg_msc2_lower astrophysical_parameters_logg_msc2_lower float log(cm.s**-2) Lower confidence level (16%) of surface gravity of the secondary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
ag_msc astrophysical_parameters_ag_msc float mag Extinction in G band of the source treated as a binary system from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
ag_msc_upper astrophysical_parameters_ag_msc_upper float mag Upper confidence level (84%) of extinction in G band from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
ag_msc_lower astrophysical_parameters_ag_msc_lower float mag Lower confidence level (16%) of extinction in G band from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax
logposterior_msc astrophysical_parameters_logposterior_msc float Goodness-of-fit score (normalised log-posterior) of MSC MCMC
mcmcaccept_msc astrophysical_parameters_mcmcaccept_msc float Mean MCMC acceptance rate of MSC MCMC
mcmcdrift_msc astrophysical_parameters_mcmcdrift_msc float Mean drift of the MSC MCMC chain in units of parameter standard deviation
flags_msc astrophysical_parameters_flags_msc boolean Flag indicating quality information from MSC
oa float ID and information for Outlier Analysis (OA) cross-match
neuron_oa_id astrophysical_parameters_neuron_oa_id long Identifier of the OA SOM map neuron that represents the source
neuron_oa_dist astrophysical_parameters_neuron_oa_dist float Distance between the source XP spectra and the OA neuron XP prototype that represents the source
neuron_oa_dist_percentile_rank astrophysical_parameters_neuron_oa_dist_percentile_rank integer Percentile rank according to the distance distribution of the OA neuron that represents the source
flags_oa astrophysical_parameters_flags_oa short Flags indicating quality and processing information from OA
astrophysical_parameters_supp float This table contains additional parameters from the Apsis processing chain, compared to the main table AstrophysicalParameters, from modules that produce more than one result for a parameter. It contains (1) the individual library results from GSP-Phot, (2) FLAME results from processing GSP-Spec parameters given in the AstrophysicalParameters table, and (3) results from the GSP-Spec ANN algorithm.
_index astrophysical_parameters_supp__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
epoch_photometry float Epoch photometry. Each row in this table contains the light curve for a given object in bands G, BP and RP as stored in the DataLink Massive data base. This table makes extensive use of array types. It can be obtained selecting the RAW data structure option. A flat table (sparse cube), which one photometric point per source per row can be obtained using INDIVIDUAL or COMBINED. Note this table is not available through the main archive TAP interface, but via the Massive Data service, indexed by the VO Datalink protocol.
_index epoch_photometry__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
galaxy_candidates float This table contains parameters derived from various modules dedicated to the classification and characterisation of sources considered as galaxy candidates. This table has been constructed with the intention to be complete rather than pure and, as such, it will contain a large fraction of non-genuine extragalactic sources. Purer samples can be drawn using dedicated flags or queries.
_index galaxy_candidates__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
nss_acceleration_astro float This table contains non-single-star astrometric models for sources having a non-linear proper motion which is compatible with an acceleration solution. Several possible models are hosted within the same table and they are indicated by the field nssSolutionType. The description of this latter lists all possible solution types considered for this release. Only a selection of parameters hosted in this table are provided here, depending on the solution. The details of those is given in the description of field bitIndex, which can also be used to extract the relevant elements of the correlation vector corrVec.
_index nss_acceleration_astro__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table
nss_solution_type nss_acceleration_astro_nss_solution_type byte NSS model adopted
accel_ra nss_acceleration_astro_accel_ra double mas.yr**-2 Acceleration in RA
accel_ra_error nss_acceleration_astro_accel_ra_error float mas.yr**-2 Standard error of Acceleration in RA
accel_dec nss_acceleration_astro_accel_dec double mas.yr**-2 Acceleration in DEC
accel_dec_error nss_acceleration_astro_accel_dec_error float mas.yr**-2 Standard error of Acceleration in DEC
deriv_accel_ra nss_acceleration_astro_deriv_accel_ra double mas.yr**-3 Time derivative of the accel. in RA
deriv_accel_ra_error nss_acceleration_astro_deriv_accel_ra_error float mas.yr**-3 Standard error of Time derivative of the acceleration in RA
deriv_accel_dec nss_acceleration_astro_deriv_accel_dec double mas.yr**-3 Time derivative of the accel. in DEC
deriv_accel_dec_error nss_acceleration_astro_deriv_accel_dec_error float mas.yr**-3 Standard error of Time derivative of the acceleration in DEC
astrometric_n_obs_al nss_acceleration_astro_astrometric_n_obs_al integer Total astrometric CCD observations in AL considered
astrometric_n_good_obs_al nss_acceleration_astro_astrometric_n_good_obs_al integer Total astrometric CCD observations in AL actually used
bit_index nss_acceleration_astro_bit_index long Boolean mask for the fields above in the corrVec matrix
corr_vec nss_acceleration_astro_corr_vec array float Vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix
obj_func nss_acceleration_astro_obj_func float Value of the objective function at the solution
goodness_of_fit nss_acceleration_astro_goodness_of_fit float Goodness of fit in the Hipparcos sense
significance nss_acceleration_astro_significance float The significance of the solution (i.e. how worth keeping a model is)
flags nss_acceleration_astro_flags long Quality flag for the achieved NSS solution
nss_non_linear_spectro float This table contains non-single-star orbital models for spectroscopic binaries compatible with a trend. Several possible models are hosted within the same table and they are indicated by the field nssSolutionType. The description of this latter lists all possible solution types considered for this release. Only a selection of parameters hosted in this table are provided here, depending on the solution. The details of those is given in the description of field bitIndex, which can also be used to extract the relevant elements of the correlation vector corrVec.
_index nss_non_linear_spectro__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table
nss_solution_type nss_non_linear_spectro_nss_solution_type byte NSS model adopted
mean_velocity nss_non_linear_spectro_mean_velocity double km.s**-1 Mean velocity
mean_velocity_error nss_non_linear_spectro_mean_velocity_error float km.s**-1 Standard error of Mean velocity
first_deriv_velocity nss_non_linear_spectro_first_deriv_velocity double Km.s**-1.d**-1 First order derivative of the velocity
first_deriv_velocity_error nss_non_linear_spectro_first_deriv_velocity_error float Km.s**-1.d**-1 Standard error of First order derivative of the velocity
second_deriv_velocity nss_non_linear_spectro_second_deriv_velocity double Km.s**-1.d**-2 Second order derivative of the velocity
second_deriv_velocity_error nss_non_linear_spectro_second_deriv_velocity_error float Km.s**-1.d**-2 Standard error of Second order derivative of the velocity
rv_n_obs_primary nss_non_linear_spectro_rv_n_obs_primary integer Total number of radial velocities considered for the primary
rv_n_good_obs_primary nss_non_linear_spectro_rv_n_good_obs_primary integer Total number of radial velocities actually used for the primary
bit_index nss_non_linear_spectro_bit_index long Boolean mask for the fields above in the corrVec matrix
corr_vec nss_non_linear_spectro_corr_vec array float Vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix
obj_func nss_non_linear_spectro_obj_func float Value of the objective function at the solution
goodness_of_fit nss_non_linear_spectro_goodness_of_fit float Goodness of fit in the Hipparcos sense
flags nss_non_linear_spectro_flags long Quality flag for the achieved NSS solution
nss_two_body_orbit float This table contains non-single-star orbital models for sources compatible with an orbital two-body solution. This covers astrometric binaries, spectroscopic binaries, eclipsing binaries and certain combinations thereof. Several possible models are hosted within the same table and they are indicated by the field nssSolutionType. The description of this latter lists all possible solution types considered for this release. Only a selection of parameters hosted in this table are provided here, depending on the solution. The details of those is given in the description of field bitIndex, which can also be used to extract the relevant elements of the correlation vector corrVec. Warning: as a source may receive independent astrometric, spectroscopic or photometric orbits, a query using a given sourceId may return several solutions. This has to be accounted for when doing a crossmatch by sourceId.
_index nss_two_body_orbit__index array integer Offset of rows for this source_id in the source file for this table
nss_vim_fl float This table contains non-single-star models for sources compatible with an Variability Induced Mover (VIM) solution. Several possible models are in principle hosted within the same table and they are indicated by the field nssSolutionType. The description of this latter lists all possible solution types considered for this release. Only a selection of parameters hosted in this table are provided here, depending on the solution. The details of those is given in the description of field bitIndex, which can also be used to extract the relevant elements of the correlation vector corrVec. For DR3, only VIMF solutions are provided here.
_index nss_vim_fl__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table
nss_solution_type nss_vim_fl_nss_solution_type byte NSS model adopted
ref_flux_g nss_vim_fl_ref_flux_g float 'electron'.s**-1 Reference flux in the G band
vim_d_ra nss_vim_fl_vim_d_ra double mas VIM coordinate in RA
vim_d_ra_error nss_vim_fl_vim_d_ra_error float mas Standard error of VIM coordinate in RA
vim_d_dec nss_vim_fl_vim_d_dec double mas VIM coordinate in DEC
vim_d_dec_error nss_vim_fl_vim_d_dec_error float mas Standard error of VIM coordinate in DEC
astrometric_n_obs_al nss_vim_fl_astrometric_n_obs_al integer Total astrometric CCD observations in AL considered
astrometric_n_good_obs_al nss_vim_fl_astrometric_n_good_obs_al integer Total astrometric CCD observations in AL actually used
bit_index nss_vim_fl_bit_index long Boolean mask for the fields above in the corrVec matrix
corr_vec nss_vim_fl_corr_vec array float Vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix
obj_func nss_vim_fl_obj_func float Value of the objective function at the solution
goodness_of_fit nss_vim_fl_goodness_of_fit float Goodness of fit in the Hipparcos sense
efficiency nss_vim_fl_efficiency float Efficiency of the solution
significance nss_vim_fl_significance float The significance of the solution (i.e. how worth keeping a model is)
flags nss_vim_fl_flags long Quality flag for the achieved NSS solution
qso_candidates float This table contains parameters derived from various modules dedicated to the classification and characterisation of sources considered as QSO candidates. Together with those, the QSOs used to define the Gaia-CRF3 are also listed in this table. This table has been constructed with the intention to be complete rather than pure and, as such, it will contain a large fraction of non-genuine extragalactic sources. Purer samples can be drawn using dedicated flags or queries.
_index qso_candidates__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
astrometric_selection_flag qso_candidates_astrometric_selection_flag boolean Flag indicating if the source is part of the astrometric selection
gaia_crf_source qso_candidates_gaia_crf_source boolean Flag indicative of whether the source was used define the Gaia-CRF3
vari_best_class_name qso_candidates_vari_best_class_name byte Name of best class, see table VariClassifierClassDefinition for details of the class
vari_best_class_score qso_candidates_vari_best_class_score float Score of the best class
fractional_variability_g qso_candidates_fractional_variability_g float Fractional variability in the G band
structure_function_index qso_candidates_structure_function_index float Index of the first-order structure function in the G band
structure_function_index_scatter qso_candidates_structure_function_index_scatter double Standard deviation of the index of the structure function
qso_variability qso_candidates_qso_variability float Quasar variability metric in the G band
non_qso_variability qso_candidates_non_qso_variability float Non-quasar variability metric in the G band
vari_agn_membership_score qso_candidates_vari_agn_membership_score double Membership score (0=lowest,1=highest) of source to be of AGN type
classprob_dsc_combmod_quasar qso_candidates_classprob_dsc_combmod_quasar float Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a quasar (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry)
classprob_dsc_combmod_galaxy qso_candidates_classprob_dsc_combmod_galaxy float Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a galaxy (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry)
classlabel_dsc qso_candidates_classlabel_dsc byte Class assigned by DSC based on the probability from its Combmod classifier
classlabel_dsc_joint qso_candidates_classlabel_dsc_joint byte Class assigned by DSC based on the probability from its Specmod and Allosmod classifiers
classlabel_oa qso_candidates_classlabel_oa byte Class assigned by OA the neuron that represents the source
redshift_qsoc qso_candidates_redshift_qsoc float Redshift from QSOC
redshift_qsoc_lower qso_candidates_redshift_qsoc_lower float Redshift lower confidence level from QSOC
redshift_qsoc_upper qso_candidates_redshift_qsoc_upper float Redshift upper confidence level from QSOC
ccfratio_qsoc qso_candidates_ccfratio_qsoc float Value of the cross-correlation function used to derive the redshift from QSOC, relative to the maximum value
zscore_qsoc qso_candidates_zscore_qsoc float Redshift zscore from QSOC
flags_qsoc qso_candidates_flags_qsoc long Processing flags for the analysis based on BP/RP Spectra from QSOC
n_transits qso_candidates_n_transits integer Number of transits used for the morphological analysis
intensity_quasar qso_candidates_intensity_quasar double 'electron'.s**-1 Fitted intensity of the quasar at its center
intensity_quasar_error qso_candidates_intensity_quasar_error double 'electron'.s**-1 Error on the fitted intensity of the quasar at its center
intensity_hostgalaxy qso_candidates_intensity_hostgalaxy double 'electron'.s**-1 Fitted intensity of the host galaxy at the effective radius
intensity_hostgalaxy_error qso_candidates_intensity_hostgalaxy_error double 'electron'.s**-1 Error on the fitted intensity of the host galaxy at effective radius
radius_hostgalaxy qso_candidates_radius_hostgalaxy double mas Fitted effective radius of the host galaxy
radius_hostgalaxy_error qso_candidates_radius_hostgalaxy_error double mas Error on the fitted effective radius of the host galaxy
sersic_index qso_candidates_sersic_index float Fitted sersic Index
sersic_index_error qso_candidates_sersic_index_error float Error on the fitted sersic Index
ellipticity_hostgalaxy qso_candidates_ellipticity_hostgalaxy double Fitted ellipticity of the host galaxy
ellipticity_hostgalaxy_error qso_candidates_ellipticity_hostgalaxy_error double Error on the fitted ellipticity of the host galaxy
posangle_hostgalaxy qso_candidates_posangle_hostgalaxy double deg Fitted position angle of the host galaxy
posangle_hostgalaxy_error qso_candidates_posangle_hostgalaxy_error double deg Error on the fitted position angle of the host galaxy
host_galaxy_detected qso_candidates_host_galaxy_detected boolean Flag indicating whether a host galaxy has been detected
l2_norm qso_candidates_l2_norm double L2 norm for the fitted Sersic profile
morph_params_corr_vec qso_candidates_morph_params_corr_vec array double Vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix for the fitted morphological parameters
host_galaxy_flag qso_candidates_host_galaxy_flag byte Flag indicative of processing or scientific quality for the morphological parameters fitting
source_selection_flags qso_candidates_source_selection_flags integer Bit indicative of whether the input data from a given module met the source list eligibility criteria for the source of interest
rvs_mean_spectrum float This is the RVS mean sampled spectrum table. The spectra are in the rest frame, they are normalised and their wavelength grid ranges from 846 to 870 nm in steps of 0.01 nm (2401 elements).
_index rvs_mean_spectrum__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
ra rvs_mean_spectrum_ra double deg Right Ascension
dec rvs_mean_spectrum_dec double deg Declination
flux rvs_mean_spectrum_flux array float array of fluxes
flux_error rvs_mean_spectrum_flux_error array float array of uncertainties in flux
combined_transits rvs_mean_spectrum_combined_transits short number of combined transits
combined_ccds rvs_mean_spectrum_combined_ccds short number of combined CCD spectra
deblended_ccds rvs_mean_spectrum_deblended_ccds short number of deblended CCD spectra
vari_agn float This table provides information on AGN properties.
_index vari_agn__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
vari_cepheid float This table describes the Cepheid stars.
_index vari_cepheid__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
vari_classifier_result float Table with variability classification results of all classifiers, which are identified by the classifierName column. In DR3, multiple classifiers (depending on class) are combined into a single classifier with classifierName=`nTransits:5+', which is described in VariClassifierDefinition and identifies the classes defined in VariClassifierClassDefinition.
_index vari_classifier_result__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
vari_compact_companion float This table describes the compact companion candidates.
_index vari_compact_companion__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
vari_eclipsing_binary float This table describes the properties of the eclipsing binaries resulting from the variability analysis.
_index vari_eclipsing_binary__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
vari_long_period_variable float This table describes the Long Period Variable stars. Some entries can be NaN when absent.
_index vari_long_period_variable__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
vari_microlensing float This table describes the microlensing events.
_index vari_microlensing__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
vari_ms_oscillator float This table describes the main-sequence oscillators.
_index vari_ms_oscillator__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
vari_planetary_transit float This table describes the Planetary Transit candidate events.
_index vari_planetary_transit__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
vari_rad_vel_statistics float Statistical parameters of radial velocity time series, using only transits not rejected, see rejectedByVariability column in VariEpochRadialVelocity. Note that NaN will be reported when the parameter value is missing or cannot be calculated.
_index vari_rad_vel_statistics__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
vari_rotation_modulation float This table describes the solar-like stars with rotational modulation.
_index vari_rotation_modulation__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
vari_rrlyrae float This table describes the RR Lyrae stars.
_index vari_rrlyrae__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
vari_short_timescale float This table describes the short-timescale sources.
_index vari_short_timescale__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
vari_summary float Summary table that provides the information on where a sourceId can be found in the different Variability tables and statistical parameters of time series, using only transits not rejected. Note that NULL is reported when the statistical parameter value is missing or cannot be calculated.
_index vari_summary__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
xp_continuous_mean_spectrum float Table hosting the mean BP and RP spectra based on the continuous representation in basis functions.
_index xp_continuous_mean_spectrum__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
bp_basis_function_id xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_bp_basis_function_id short Identifier defining the set of basis functions for the BP spectrum representation
bp_degrees_of_freedom xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_bp_degrees_of_freedom short Degrees of freedom for the BP spectrum representation
bp_n_parameters xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_bp_n_parameters byte Number of parameters for the BP spectrum representation
bp_n_measurements xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_bp_n_measurements short Number of measurements used for the BP spectrum generation
bp_n_rejected_measurements xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_bp_n_rejected_measurements short Number of rejected measurements in the BP spectrum generation
bp_standard_deviation xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_bp_standard_deviation float Standard deviation for the BP spectrum representation
bp_chi_squared xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_bp_chi_squared float Chi squared for the BP spectrum representation
bp_coefficients xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_bp_coefficients array double Basis function coefficients for the BP spectrum representation
bp_coefficient_errors xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_bp_coefficient_errors array float Basis function coefficient errors for the BP spectrum representation
bp_n_relevant_bases xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_bp_n_relevant_bases short Number of bases that are relevant for the representation of this mean BP spectrum
bp_relative_shrinking xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_bp_relative_shrinking float Measure of the relative shrinking of the coefficient vector when truncation is applied for the mean BP spectrum
rp_basis_function_id xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_rp_basis_function_id short Identifier defining the set of basis functions for the BP spectrum representation
rp_degrees_of_freedom xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_rp_degrees_of_freedom short Degrees of freedom for the RP spectrum representation
rp_n_parameters xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_rp_n_parameters byte Number of parameters for the RP spectrum representation
rp_n_measurements xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_rp_n_measurements short Number of measurements used for the RP spectrum generation
rp_n_rejected_measurements xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_rp_n_rejected_measurements short Number of rejected measurements in the RP spectrum generation
rp_standard_deviation xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_rp_standard_deviation float Standard deviation for the RP spectrum representation
rp_chi_squared xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_rp_chi_squared float Chi squared for the RP spectrum representation
rp_coefficients xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_rp_coefficients array double Basis function coefficients for the RP spectrum representation
rp_coefficient_errors xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_rp_coefficient_errors array float Basis function coefficient errors for the RP spectrum representation
rp_n_relevant_bases xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_rp_n_relevant_bases short Number of bases that are relevant for the representation of this mean RP spectrum
rp_relative_shrinking xp_continuous_mean_spectrum_rp_relative_shrinking float Measure of the relative shrinking of the coefficient vector when truncation is applied for the mean RP spectrum
xp_sampled_mean_spectrum float This is the BP/RP externally calibrated sampled mean spectrum. All mean spectra are sampled to the same set of absolute wavelength positions, which can be found in the field wavelength of table XpMerge.
_index xp_sampled_mean_spectrum__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
ra xp_sampled_mean_spectrum_ra double deg Right Ascension
dec xp_sampled_mean_spectrum_dec double deg Declination
flux xp_sampled_mean_spectrum_flux array float W.m**-2.nm**-1 mean BP + RP combined spectrum flux
flux_error xp_sampled_mean_spectrum_flux_error array float W.m**-2.nm**-1 mean BP + RP combined spectrum flux error
xp_summary float This tables contains auxiliary information about the mean BP/RP spectrum of a given source. It should be used in order to refine queries on spectra and build dedicated samples before interrogating the DataLink protocol to download the results of those queries.
_index xp_summary__index integer Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max)
bp_n_relevant_bases xp_summary_bp_n_relevant_bases short Number of bases that are relevant for the representation of this mean BP spectrum
bp_relative_shrinking xp_summary_bp_relative_shrinking float Measure of the relative shrinking of the coefficient vector when truncation is applied for the mean BP spectrum
bp_n_measurements xp_summary_bp_n_measurements short Number of measurements used for the BP spectrum generation
bp_n_rejected_measurements xp_summary_bp_n_rejected_measurements short Number of rejected measurements in the BP spectrum generation
bp_standard_deviation xp_summary_bp_standard_deviation float 'electron'.s**-1.pixel**-1 Standard deviation for the BP spectrum representation
bp_chi_squared xp_summary_bp_chi_squared float Chi squared for the BP spectrum representation
bp_n_transits xp_summary_bp_n_transits short Number of transits contributing to the mean in BP
bp_n_contaminated_transits xp_summary_bp_n_contaminated_transits short Number of contaminated transits in BP
bp_n_blended_transits xp_summary_bp_n_blended_transits short Number of blended transits in BP
rp_n_relevant_bases xp_summary_rp_n_relevant_bases short Number of bases that are relevant for the representation of this mean RP spectrum
rp_relative_shrinking xp_summary_rp_relative_shrinking float Measure of the relative shrinking of the coefficient vector when truncation is applied for the mean RP spectrum
rp_n_measurements xp_summary_rp_n_measurements short Number of measurements used for the RP spectrum generation
rp_n_rejected_measurements xp_summary_rp_n_rejected_measurements short Number of rejected measurements in the RP spectrum generation
rp_standard_deviation xp_summary_rp_standard_deviation float 'electron'.s**-1.pixel**-1 Standard deviation for the RP spectrum representation
rp_chi_squared xp_summary_rp_chi_squared float Chi squared for the RP spectrum representation
rp_n_transits xp_summary_rp_n_transits short Number of transits contributing to the mean in RP
rp_n_contaminated_transits xp_summary_rp_n_contaminated_transits short Number of contaminated transits in RP
rp_n_blended_transits xp_summary_rp_n_blended_transits short Number of blended transits in RP
About Catalog

Gaia Data Release 3 from the European Space Agency
Important links to official Gaia Data Release documentation:

Preset field selections:
gaia_source: This table has an entry for every Gaia observed source as published with this data release. It contains the basic source parameters, in their final state as processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium from the raw data coming from the spacecraft. The table is complemented with others containing information specific to certain kinds of objects (e.g. Solar--system objects, non--single stars, variables etc.) and value--added processing (e.g. astrophysical parameters etc.). Further array data types (spectra, epoch measurements) are presented separately via `Datalink' resources.

More under:

Active Filters



Raw Data
_file_upper Upper bound for HEALpix index level 8 of source file for this row (used in determining source file name: "%s_%06d-%06d" % (table_name, source_id >> 43, _file_max)) source_id Unique source identifier (unique within a particular Data Release) random_index Random index for use when selecting subsets ref_epoch
yr Reference epoch
pos Barycentric position parallax
mas Parallax
mas Standard error of parallax
parallax_over_error Parallax divided by its standard error pm mas/year Proper motion corr astrometric correlation coefficients astrometric solution metadata duplicated_source Source with multiple source identifiers phot_g G-band photometry phot_bp BP photometry phot_rp RP photometry phot_proc_mode Photometry processing mode bp_rp
mag BP - RP colour
mag BP - G colour
mag G - RP colour
rv Radial velocity vbroad
km.s**-1 Spectral line broadening parameter
km.s**-1 Uncertainty on the spectral line broadening
vbroad_nb_transits Number of transits used to compute vbroad grvs_mag
mag Integrated Grvs magnitude
mag Grvs magnitude uncertainty
grvs_mag_nb_transits Number of transits used to compute Grvs rvs_spec_sig_to_noise Signal to noise ratio in the mean RVS spectrum phot_variable_flag Photometric variability flag metadata_flags Flags that indicate presence of more specialized data for a given source astrophysical_parameters This is the main table containing the 1D astrophysical parameters produced by the Apsis processing chain developed in Gaia DPAC CU8. Additional parameters can be found in table AstrophysicalParametersSupp. astrophysical_parameters_supp This table contains additional parameters from the Apsis processing chain, compared to the main table AstrophysicalParameters, from modules that produce more than one result for a parameter. It contains (1) the individual library results from GSP-Phot, (2) FLAME results from processing GSP-Spec parameters given in the AstrophysicalParameters table, and (3) results from the GSP-Spec ANN algorithm. epoch_photometry Epoch photometry. Each row in this table contains the light curve for a given object in bands G, BP and RP as stored in the DataLink Massive data base. This table makes extensive use of array types. It can be obtained selecting the RAW data structure option. A flat table (sparse cube), which one photometric point per source per row can be obtained using INDIVIDUAL or COMBINED. Note this table is not available through the main archive TAP interface, but via the Massive Data service, indexed by the VO Datalink protocol. galaxy_candidates This table contains parameters derived from various modules dedicated to the classification and characterisation of sources considered as galaxy candidates. This table has been constructed with the intention to be complete rather than pure and, as such, it will contain a large fraction of non-genuine extragalactic sources. Purer samples can be drawn using dedicated flags or queries. nss_acceleration_astro This table contains non-single-star astrometric models for sources having a non-linear proper motion which is compatible with an acceleration solution. Several possible models are hosted within the same table and they are indicated by the field nssSolutionType. The description of this latter lists all possible solution types considered for this release. Only a selection of parameters hosted in this table are provided here, depending on the solution. The details of those is given in the description of field bitIndex, which can also be used to extract the relevant elements of the correlation vector corrVec. nss_non_linear_spectro This table contains non-single-star orbital models for spectroscopic binaries compatible with a trend. Several possible models are hosted within the same table and they are indicated by the field nssSolutionType. The description of this latter lists all possible solution types considered for this release. Only a selection of parameters hosted in this table are provided here, depending on the solution. The details of those is given in the description of field bitIndex, which can also be used to extract the relevant elements of the correlation vector corrVec. nss_two_body_orbit This table contains non-single-star orbital models for sources compatible with an orbital two-body solution. This covers astrometric binaries, spectroscopic binaries, eclipsing binaries and certain combinations thereof. Several possible models are hosted within the same table and they are indicated by the field nssSolutionType. The description of this latter lists all possible solution types considered for this release. Only a selection of parameters hosted in this table are provided here, depending on the solution. The details of those is given in the description of field bitIndex, which can also be used to extract the relevant elements of the correlation vector corrVec. Warning: as a source may receive independent astrometric, spectroscopic or photometric orbits, a query using a given sourceId may return several solutions. This has to be accounted for when doing a crossmatch by sourceId. nss_vim_fl This table contains non-single-star models for sources compatible with an Variability Induced Mover (VIM) solution. Several possible models are in principle hosted within the same table and they are indicated by the field nssSolutionType. The description of this latter lists all possible solution types considered for this release. Only a selection of parameters hosted in this table are provided here, depending on the solution. The details of those is given in the description of field bitIndex, which can also be used to extract the relevant elements of the correlation vector corrVec. For DR3, only VIMF solutions are provided here. qso_candidates This table contains parameters derived from various modules dedicated to the classification and characterisation of sources considered as QSO candidates. Together with those, the QSOs used to define the Gaia-CRF3 are also listed in this table. This table has been constructed with the intention to be complete rather than pure and, as such, it will contain a large fraction of non-genuine extragalactic sources. Purer samples can be drawn using dedicated flags or queries. rvs_mean_spectrum This is the RVS mean sampled spectrum table. The spectra are in the rest frame, they are normalised and their wavelength grid ranges from 846 to 870 nm in steps of 0.01 nm (2401 elements). vari_agn This table provides information on AGN properties. vari_cepheid This table describes the Cepheid stars. vari_classifier_result Table with variability classification results of all classifiers, which are identified by the classifierName column. In DR3, multiple classifiers (depending on class) are combined into a single classifier with classifierName=`nTransits:5+', which is described in VariClassifierDefinition and identifies the classes defined in VariClassifierClassDefinition. vari_compact_companion This table describes the compact companion candidates. vari_eclipsing_binary This table describes the properties of the eclipsing binaries resulting from the variability analysis. vari_long_period_variable This table describes the Long Period Variable stars. Some entries can be NaN when absent. vari_microlensing This table describes the microlensing events. vari_ms_oscillator This table describes the main-sequence oscillators. vari_planetary_transit This table describes the Planetary Transit candidate events. vari_rad_vel_statistics Statistical parameters of radial velocity time series, using only transits not rejected, see rejectedByVariability column in VariEpochRadialVelocity. Note that NaN will be reported when the parameter value is missing or cannot be calculated. vari_rotation_modulation This table describes the solar-like stars with rotational modulation. vari_rrlyrae This table describes the RR Lyrae stars. vari_short_timescale This table describes the short-timescale sources. vari_summary Summary table that provides the information on where a sourceId can be found in the different Variability tables and statistical parameters of time series, using only transits not rejected. Note that NULL is reported when the statistical parameter value is missing or cannot be calculated. xp_continuous_mean_spectrum Table hosting the mean BP and RP spectra based on the continuous representation in basis functions. xp_sampled_mean_spectrum This is the BP/RP externally calibrated sampled mean spectrum. All mean spectra are sampled to the same set of absolute wavelength positions, which can be found in the field wavelength of table XpMerge. xp_summary This tables contains auxiliary information about the mean BP/RP spectrum of a given source. It should be used in order to refine queries on spectra and build dedicated samples before interrogating the DataLink protocol to download the results of those queries.
deg Right ascension
mas Standard error of right ascension
deg Declination
mas Standard error of declination
deg Galactic longitude
deg Galactic latitude
deg Ecliptic longitude
deg Ecliptic latitude
mas.yr**-1 Total proper motion
mas.yr**-1 Proper motion in right ascension direction
mas.yr**-1 Standard error of proper motion in right ascension direction
mas.yr**-1 Proper motion in declination direction
mas.yr**-1 Standard error of proper motion in declination direction
ra_dec_corr Correlation between right ascension and declination ra_parallax_corr Correlation between right ascension and parallax ra_pmra_corr Correlation between right ascension and proper motion in right ascension ra_pmdec_corr Correlation between right ascension and proper motion in declination dec_parallax_corr Correlation between declination and parallax dec_pmra_corr Correlation between declination and proper motion in right ascension dec_pmdec_corr Correlation between declination and proper motion in declination parallax_pmra_corr Correlation between parallax and proper motion in right ascension parallax_pmdec_corr Correlation between parallax and proper motion in declination pmra_pmdec_corr Correlation between proper motion in right ascension and proper motion in declination astrometric_n_obs_al Total number of observations in the along-scan (AL) direction astrometric_n_obs_ac Total number of observations in the across-scan (AC) direction astrometric_n_good_obs_al Number of good observations in the along-scan (AL) direction astrometric_n_bad_obs_al Number of bad observations in the along-scan (AL) direction astrometric_gof_al Goodness of fit statistic of model wrt along-scan observations astrometric_chi2_al AL chi-square value astrometric_excess_noise
mas Excess noise of the source
astrometric_excess_noise_sig Significance of excess noise astrometric_params_solved Which parameters have been solved for? astrometric_primary_flag Primary or secondary nu_eff_used_in_astrometry
um**-1 Effective wavenumber of the source used in the astrometric solution
um**-1 Astrometrically estimated pseudocolour of the source
um**-1 Standard error of the pseudocolour of the source
ra_pseudocolour_corr Correlation between right ascension and pseudocolour dec_pseudocolour_corr Correlation between declination and pseudocolour parallax_pseudocolour_corr Correlation between parallax and pseudocolour pmra_pseudocolour_corr Correlation between proper motion in right asension and pseudocolour pmdec_pseudocolour_corr Correlation between proper motion in declination and pseudocolour astrometric_matched_transits Matched FOV transits used in the AGIS solution visibility_periods_used Number of visibility periods used in Astrometric solution astrometric_sigma5d_max
mas The longest semi-major axis of the 5-d error ellipsoid
matched_transits The number of transits matched to this source new_matched_transits The number of transits newly incorporated into an existing source in the current cycle matched_transits_removed The number of transits removed from an existing source in the current cycle ipd_gof_harmonic_amplitude Amplitude of the IPD GoF versus position angle of scan ipd_gof_harmonic_phase
deg Phase of the IPD GoF versus position angle of scan
ipd_frac_multi_peak Percent of successful-IPD windows with more than one peak ipd_frac_odd_win Percent of transits with truncated windows or multiple gate ruwe Renormalised unit weight error scan_direction_strength_k1 Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source scan_direction_strength_k2 Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source scan_direction_strength_k3 Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source scan_direction_strength_k4 Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source scan_direction_mean_k1
deg Mean position angle of scan directions across the source
deg Mean position angle of scan directions across the source
deg Mean position angle of scan directions across the source
deg Mean position angle of scan directions across the source
phot_g_n_obs Number of observations contributing to G photometry phot_g_mean_flux
'electron'.s**-1 G-band mean flux
'electron'.s**-1 Error on G-band mean flux
phot_g_mean_flux_over_error G-band mean flux divided by its error phot_g_mean_mag
mag G-band mean magnitude
phot_bp_n_obs Number of observations contributing to BP photometry phot_bp_mean_flux
'electron'.s**-1 Integrated BP mean flux
'electron'.s**-1 Error on the integrated BP mean flux
phot_bp_mean_flux_over_error Integrated BP mean flux divided by its error phot_bp_mean_mag
mag Integrated BP mean magnitude
phot_bp_n_contaminated_transits Number of BP contaminated transits phot_bp_n_blended_transits Number of BP blended transits phot_rp_n_obs Number of observations contributing to RP photometry phot_rp_mean_flux
'electron'.s**-1 Integrated RP mean flux
'electron'.s**-1 Error on the integrated RP mean flux
phot_rp_mean_flux_over_error Integrated RP mean flux divided by its error phot_rp_mean_mag
mag Integrated RP mean magnitude
phot_bp_rp_excess_factor BP/RP excess factor phot_rp_n_contaminated_transits Number of RP contaminated transits phot_rp_n_blended_transits Number of RP blended transits radial_velocity
km.s**-1 Radial velocity
km.s**-1 Radial velocity error
rv_method_used Method used to obtain the radial velocity rv_nb_transits Number of transits used to compute the radial velocity rv_nb_deblended_transits Number of valid transits that have undergone deblending rv_visibility_periods_used Number of visibility periods used to estimate the radial velocity rv_expected_sig_to_noise Expected signal to noise ratio in the combination of the spectra used to obtain the radial velocity rv_renormalised_gof Radial velocity renormalised goodness of fit rv_chisq_pvalue P-value for constancy based on a chi-squared criterion rv_time_duration
d Time coverage of the radial velocity time series
km.s**-1 Total amplitude in the radial velocity time series after outlier removal
K Teff of the template used to compute the radial velocity
log(cm.s**-2) Logg of the template used to compute the radial velocity
'dex' [Fe/H] of the template used to compute the radial velocityy
rv_atm_param_origin Origin of the atmospheric parameters associated to the template in_qso_candidates Flag indicating the availability of additional information in the QsoCandidates table in_galaxy_candidates Flag indicating the availability of additional information in the GalaxyCandidates table non_single_star Flag indicating the availability of additional information in the various Non-Single Star tables has_xp_continuous Flag indicating the availability of mean BP/RP spectrum in continuous representation for this source has_xp_sampled Flag indicating the availability of mean BP/RP spectrum in sampled form for this source has_rvs Flag indicating the availability of mean RVS spectrum for this source has_epoch_photometry Flag indicating the availability of epoch photometry for this source has_epoch_rv Flag indicating the availability of epoch radial velocity for this source has_mcmc_gspphot Flag indicating the availability of GSP-Phot MCMC samples for this source has_mcmc_msc Flag indicating the availability of MSC MCMC samples for this source in_andromeda_survey Flag indicating that the source is present in the Gaia Andromeda Photometric Survey (GAPS) _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) classprob Class probabilities for source classification teff K stellar effective temperature logg log(cm.s**-2) stellar surface gravity mh dex stellar metallicity distance pc distance to star azero mag monochromatic extinction ag mag extinction in G band abp mag extinction in Bp arp mag extinction in Rp ebpminrp mag reddening mg mag Absolute magnitude radius solRad Stellar radius gspphot_metadata Metadata related to the gspphot processing alphafe dex Abundance of alpha-elements [alpha/Fe] fem dex Abundance of neutral iron sife dex Abundance of Silicon cafe dex Abundance of Calcium tife dex Abundance of Titanium mgfe dex Abundance of Magnesium ndfe dex Abundance of Neodymium feiim dex Abundance of ionised Iron sfe dex Abundance of Sulphur zrfe dex Abundance of Zirconium nfe dex Abundance of Nitrogen crfe dex Abundance of Chromium cefe dex Abundance of Cerium nife dex Abundance of Nickel cn0ew dex Equivalent witdh of cyanogen absorption line dib Diffuse interstellar band (DIB) gspspec_metadata Metadata related to the gspspec processing espels Data from the ESP-ELS (emission line stars) processing esphs Data from the ESP-HS (hot stars) processing espcs Data from the ESP-CS (cool stars) processing espucd Data from the ESP-UCD (ultra cool dwarfs) processing flame Stellar parameters from the Final Luminosity Age Mass Estimator (FLAME) msc Stellar parameters from the Multiple Star Classifier (MSC) oa ID and information for Outlier Analysis (OA) cross-match _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table nss_solution_type NSS model adopted accel_ra
mas.yr**-2 Acceleration in RA
mas.yr**-2 Standard error of Acceleration in RA
mas.yr**-2 Acceleration in DEC
mas.yr**-2 Standard error of Acceleration in DEC
mas.yr**-3 Time derivative of the accel. in RA
mas.yr**-3 Standard error of Time derivative of the acceleration in RA
mas.yr**-3 Time derivative of the accel. in DEC
mas.yr**-3 Standard error of Time derivative of the acceleration in DEC
astrometric_n_obs_al Total astrometric CCD observations in AL considered astrometric_n_good_obs_al Total astrometric CCD observations in AL actually used bit_index Boolean mask for the fields above in the corrVec matrix corr_vec Vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix obj_func Value of the objective function at the solution goodness_of_fit Goodness of fit in the Hipparcos sense significance The significance of the solution (i.e. how worth keeping a model is) flags Quality flag for the achieved NSS solution _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table nss_solution_type NSS model adopted mean_velocity
km.s**-1 Mean velocity
km.s**-1 Standard error of Mean velocity
Km.s**-1.d**-1 First order derivative of the velocity
Km.s**-1.d**-1 Standard error of First order derivative of the velocity
Km.s**-1.d**-2 Second order derivative of the velocity
Km.s**-1.d**-2 Standard error of Second order derivative of the velocity
rv_n_obs_primary Total number of radial velocities considered for the primary rv_n_good_obs_primary Total number of radial velocities actually used for the primary bit_index Boolean mask for the fields above in the corrVec matrix corr_vec Vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix obj_func Value of the objective function at the solution goodness_of_fit Goodness of fit in the Hipparcos sense flags Quality flag for the achieved NSS solution _index Offset of rows for this source_id in the source file for this table _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table nss_solution_type NSS model adopted ref_flux_g
'electron'.s**-1 Reference flux in the G band
mas VIM coordinate in RA
mas Standard error of VIM coordinate in RA
mas VIM coordinate in DEC
mas Standard error of VIM coordinate in DEC
astrometric_n_obs_al Total astrometric CCD observations in AL considered astrometric_n_good_obs_al Total astrometric CCD observations in AL actually used bit_index Boolean mask for the fields above in the corrVec matrix corr_vec Vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix obj_func Value of the objective function at the solution goodness_of_fit Goodness of fit in the Hipparcos sense efficiency Efficiency of the solution significance The significance of the solution (i.e. how worth keeping a model is) flags Quality flag for the achieved NSS solution _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) astrometric_selection_flag Flag indicating if the source is part of the astrometric selection gaia_crf_source Flag indicative of whether the source was used define the Gaia-CRF3 vari_best_class_name Name of best class, see table VariClassifierClassDefinition for details of the class vari_best_class_score Score of the best class fractional_variability_g Fractional variability in the G band structure_function_index Index of the first-order structure function in the G band structure_function_index_scatter Standard deviation of the index of the structure function qso_variability Quasar variability metric in the G band non_qso_variability Non-quasar variability metric in the G band vari_agn_membership_score Membership score (0=lowest,1=highest) of source to be of AGN type classprob_dsc_combmod_quasar Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a quasar (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry) classprob_dsc_combmod_galaxy Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a galaxy (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry) classlabel_dsc Class assigned by DSC based on the probability from its Combmod classifier classlabel_dsc_joint Class assigned by DSC based on the probability from its Specmod and Allosmod classifiers classlabel_oa Class assigned by OA the neuron that represents the source redshift_qsoc Redshift from QSOC redshift_qsoc_lower Redshift lower confidence level from QSOC redshift_qsoc_upper Redshift upper confidence level from QSOC ccfratio_qsoc Value of the cross-correlation function used to derive the redshift from QSOC, relative to the maximum value zscore_qsoc Redshift zscore from QSOC flags_qsoc Processing flags for the analysis based on BP/RP Spectra from QSOC n_transits Number of transits used for the morphological analysis intensity_quasar
'electron'.s**-1 Fitted intensity of the quasar at its center
'electron'.s**-1 Error on the fitted intensity of the quasar at its center
'electron'.s**-1 Fitted intensity of the host galaxy at the effective radius
'electron'.s**-1 Error on the fitted intensity of the host galaxy at effective radius
mas Fitted effective radius of the host galaxy
mas Error on the fitted effective radius of the host galaxy
sersic_index Fitted sersic Index sersic_index_error Error on the fitted sersic Index ellipticity_hostgalaxy Fitted ellipticity of the host galaxy ellipticity_hostgalaxy_error Error on the fitted ellipticity of the host galaxy posangle_hostgalaxy
deg Fitted position angle of the host galaxy
deg Error on the fitted position angle of the host galaxy
host_galaxy_detected Flag indicating whether a host galaxy has been detected l2_norm L2 norm for the fitted Sersic profile morph_params_corr_vec Vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix for the fitted morphological parameters host_galaxy_flag Flag indicative of processing or scientific quality for the morphological parameters fitting source_selection_flags Bit indicative of whether the input data from a given module met the source list eligibility criteria for the source of interest _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) ra
deg Right Ascension
deg Declination
flux array of fluxes flux_error array of uncertainties in flux combined_transits number of combined transits combined_ccds number of combined CCD spectra deblended_ccds number of deblended CCD spectra _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) bp_basis_function_id Identifier defining the set of basis functions for the BP spectrum representation bp_degrees_of_freedom Degrees of freedom for the BP spectrum representation bp_n_parameters Number of parameters for the BP spectrum representation bp_n_measurements Number of measurements used for the BP spectrum generation bp_n_rejected_measurements Number of rejected measurements in the BP spectrum generation bp_standard_deviation Standard deviation for the BP spectrum representation bp_chi_squared Chi squared for the BP spectrum representation bp_coefficients Basis function coefficients for the BP spectrum representation bp_coefficient_errors Basis function coefficient errors for the BP spectrum representation bp_n_relevant_bases Number of bases that are relevant for the representation of this mean BP spectrum bp_relative_shrinking Measure of the relative shrinking of the coefficient vector when truncation is applied for the mean BP spectrum rp_basis_function_id Identifier defining the set of basis functions for the BP spectrum representation rp_degrees_of_freedom Degrees of freedom for the RP spectrum representation rp_n_parameters Number of parameters for the RP spectrum representation rp_n_measurements Number of measurements used for the RP spectrum generation rp_n_rejected_measurements Number of rejected measurements in the RP spectrum generation rp_standard_deviation Standard deviation for the RP spectrum representation rp_chi_squared Chi squared for the RP spectrum representation rp_coefficients Basis function coefficients for the RP spectrum representation rp_coefficient_errors Basis function coefficient errors for the RP spectrum representation rp_n_relevant_bases Number of bases that are relevant for the representation of this mean RP spectrum rp_relative_shrinking Measure of the relative shrinking of the coefficient vector when truncation is applied for the mean RP spectrum _index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) ra
deg Right Ascension
deg Declination
W.m**-2.nm**-1 mean BP + RP combined spectrum flux
W.m**-2.nm**-1 mean BP + RP combined spectrum flux error
_index Offset of this row in the source file for this table (see _file_max) bp_n_relevant_bases Number of bases that are relevant for the representation of this mean BP spectrum bp_relative_shrinking Measure of the relative shrinking of the coefficient vector when truncation is applied for the mean BP spectrum bp_n_measurements Number of measurements used for the BP spectrum generation bp_n_rejected_measurements Number of rejected measurements in the BP spectrum generation bp_standard_deviation
'electron'.s**-1.pixel**-1 Standard deviation for the BP spectrum representation
bp_chi_squared Chi squared for the BP spectrum representation bp_n_transits Number of transits contributing to the mean in BP bp_n_contaminated_transits Number of contaminated transits in BP bp_n_blended_transits Number of blended transits in BP rp_n_relevant_bases Number of bases that are relevant for the representation of this mean RP spectrum rp_relative_shrinking Measure of the relative shrinking of the coefficient vector when truncation is applied for the mean RP spectrum rp_n_measurements Number of measurements used for the RP spectrum generation rp_n_rejected_measurements Number of rejected measurements in the RP spectrum generation rp_standard_deviation
'electron'.s**-1.pixel**-1 Standard deviation for the RP spectrum representation
rp_chi_squared Chi squared for the RP spectrum representation rp_n_transits Number of transits contributing to the mean in RP rp_n_contaminated_transits Number of contaminated transits in RP rp_n_blended_transits Number of blended transits in RP
classprob_dsc_combmod_quasar Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a quasar (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry) classprob_dsc_combmod_galaxy Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a galaxy (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry) classprob_dsc_combmod_star Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a single star (but not a white dwarf) (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry) classprob_dsc_combmod_whitedwarf Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a white dwarf (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry) classprob_dsc_combmod_binarystar Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a binary star (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry) classprob_dsc_specmod_quasar Probability from DSC-Specmod of being a quasar (data used: BP/RP spectrum) classprob_dsc_specmod_galaxy Probability from DSC-Specmod of being a galaxy (data used: BP/RP spectrum) classprob_dsc_specmod_star Probability from DSC-Specmod of being a single star (but not a white dwarf) (data used: BP/RP spectrum) classprob_dsc_specmod_whitedwarf Probability from DSC-Specmod of being a white dwarf (data used: BP/RP spectrum) classprob_dsc_specmod_binarystar Probability from DSC-Specmod of being a binary star (data used: BP/RP spectrum) classprob_dsc_allosmod_quasar Probability from DSC-Allosmod of being a quasar (data used: photometry, astrometry) classprob_dsc_allosmod_galaxy Probability from DSC-Allosmod of being a galaxy (data used: photometry, astrometry) classprob_dsc_allosmod_star Probability from DSC-Allosmod of being a star (data used: photometry, astrometry) teff_gspphot K Effective temperature from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra teff_gspphot_lower K Lower confidence level (16%) of effective temperature from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra teff_gspphot_upper K Upper confidence level (84%) of effective temperature from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra teff_gspspec K Effective temperature from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations teff_gspspec_lower K 16th percentile of effective temperature from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations teff_gspspec_upper K 84th percentile of effective temperature from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations logg_gspphot log(cm.s**-2) Surface gravity from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra logg_gspphot_lower log(cm.s**-2) Lower confidence level (16%) of surface gravity from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra logg_gspphot_upper log(cm.s**-2) Upper confidence level (84%) of surface gravity from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra logg_gspspec log(cm.s**-2) Logarithm of the stellar surface gravity from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations logg_gspspec_lower log(cm.s**-2) 16th percentile of the logarithm of the stellar surface gravity from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations logg_gspspec_upper log(cm.s**-2) 84th percentile of the logarithm of the stellar surface gravity from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations mh_gspphot dex Iron abundance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra mh_gspphot_lower dex Lower confidence level (16%) of iron abundance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra mh_gspphot_upper dex Upper confidence level (84%) of iron abundance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra mh_gspspec 'dex' Global metallicity [M/H] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations mh_gspspec_lower 'dex' 16th percentile of global metallicity [M/H] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations mh_gspspec_upper 'dex' 84th percentile of global metallicity [M/H] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations distance_gspphot pc Distance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra distance_gspphot_lower pc Lower confidence level (16%) of distance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra distance_gspphot_upper pc Upper confidence level (84%) of distance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra azero_gspphot mag Monochromatic extinction \(A_0\) at 547.7nm from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra azero_gspphot_lower mag Lower confidence level (16%) of monochromatic extinction \(A_0\) at 547.7nm from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra azero_gspphot_upper mag Upper confidence level (84%) of monochromatic extinction \(A_0\) at 547.7nm from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra ag_gspphot mag Extinction in G band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra ag_gspphot_lower mag Lower confidence level (16%) of extinction in G band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra ag_gspphot_upper mag Upper confidence level (84%) of extinction in G band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra abp_gspphot mag Extinction in \(G_{\rm BP}\) band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra abp_gspphot_lower mag Lower confidence level (16%) of extinction in \(G_{\rm BP}\) band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra abp_gspphot_upper mag Upper confidence level (84%) of extinction in \(G_{\rm BP}\) band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra arp_gspphot mag Extinction in \(G_{\rm RP}\) band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra arp_gspphot_lower mag Lower confidence level (16%) of extinction in \(G_{\rm RP}\) band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra arp_gspphot_upper mag Upper confidence level (84%) of extinction in \(G_{\rm RP}\) band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra ebpminrp_gspphot mag Reddening \(E(G_{\rm BP} - G_{\rm RP})\) from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra ebpminrp_gspphot_lower mag Lower confidence level (16%) of reddening \(E(G_{\rm BP} - G_{\rm RP})\) from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra ebpminrp_gspphot_upper mag Upper confidence level (84%) of reddening \(E(G_{\rm BP} - G_{\rm RP})\) from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra mg_gspphot mag Absolute magnitude \(M_{\rm G}\) from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra mg_gspphot_lower mag Lower confidence level (16%) of absolute magnitude \(M_{\rm G}\) from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra mg_gspphot_upper mag Upper confidence level (84%) of absolute magnitude \(M_{\rm G}\) from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra radius_gspphot solRad Radius from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra radius_gspphot_lower solRad Lower confidence level (16%) of radius from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra radius_gspphot_upper solRad Upper confidence level (84%) of radius from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra logposterior_gspphot Goodness-of-fit score (mean log-posterior of MCMC) of GSP-Phot Aeneas MCMC best library mcmcaccept_gspphot MCMC acceptance rate of GSP-Phot Aeneas MCMC best library libname_gspphot Name of library that achieves the highest mean log-posterior in MCMC samples and was used to derive GSP-Phot parameters in this table alphafe_gspspec 'dex' Abundance of alpha-elements [alpha/Fe] with respect to iron from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations alphafe_gspspec_lower 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of alpha-elements [alpha/Fe] with respect to iron from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations alphafe_gspspec_upper 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of alpha-elements [alpha/Fe] with respect to iron from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations fem_gspspec 'dex' Abundance of neutral iron [Fe/M] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in femGspspecNlines fem_gspspec_lower 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of neutral iron [Fe/M] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations fem_gspspec_upper 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of neutral iron [Fe/M] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations fem_gspspec_nlines dex Number of lines used for [Fe/M] abundance estimation fem_gspspec_linescatter 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [Fe/M] abundance using N lines of the element, given in femGspspecNlines sife_gspspec 'dex' Abundance of Silicon [Si/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in sifeGspspecNlines sife_gspspec_lower 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of silicon [Si/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations sife_gspspec_upper 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of silicon [Si/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations sife_gspspec_nlines dex Number of lines used for [Si/Fe] abundance estimation sife_gspspec_linescatter 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [Si/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in sifeGspspecNlines cafe_gspspec 'dex' Abundance of Calcium [Ca/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in cafeGspspecNlines cafe_gspspec_lower 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of Calcium [Ca/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations cafe_gspspec_upper 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of Calcium [Ca/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations cafe_gspspec_nlines dex Number of lines used for [Ca/Fe] abundance estimation cafe_gspspec_linescatter 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [Ca/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in cafeGspspecNlines tife_gspspec 'dex' Abundance of Titanium [Ti/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in tifeGspspecNlines tife_gspspec_lower 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of Titanium [Ti/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations tife_gspspec_upper 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of Titanium [Ti/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations tife_gspspec_nlines dex Number of lines used for [Ti/Fe] abundance estimation tife_gspspec_linescatter 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [Ti/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in tifeGspspecNlines mgfe_gspspec 'dex' Abundance of Magnesium [Mg/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in mgfeGspspecNlines mgfe_gspspec_lower 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of Magnesium [Mg/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations mgfe_gspspec_upper 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of Magnesium [Mg/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations mgfe_gspspec_nlines dex Number of lines used for [Mg/Fe] abundance estimation mgfe_gspspec_linescatter 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [Mg/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in mgfeGspspecNlines ndfe_gspspec 'dex' Abundance of neodymium [Nd/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in ndfeGspspecNlines ndfe_gspspec_lower 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of neodymium [Nd/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations ndfe_gspspec_upper 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of neodymium [Nd/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations ndfe_gspspec_nlines dex Number of lines used for [Nd/Fe] abundance estimation ndfe_gspspec_linescatter 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [Nd/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in ndfeGspspecNlines feiim_gspspec 'dex' Abundance of ionised iron [FeII/M] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in feiimGspspecNlines feiim_gspspec_lower 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of ionised iron [FeII/M] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations feiim_gspspec_upper 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of ionised iron [FeII/M] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations feiim_gspspec_nlines dex Number of lines used for [FeII/M] abundance estimation feiim_gspspec_linescatter 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [FeII/M] abundance using N lines of the element, given in feiimGspspecNlines sfe_gspspec 'dex' Abundance of Sulphur [S/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in sfeGspspecNlines sfe_gspspec_lower 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of Sulphur [S/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations sfe_gspspec_upper 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of Sulphur [S/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations sfe_gspspec_nlines dex Number of lines used for [S/Fe] abundance estimation sfe_gspspec_linescatter 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [S/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in sfeGspspecNlines zrfe_gspspec 'dex' Abundance of Zirconium [Zr/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in zrfeGspspecNlines zrfe_gspspec_lower 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of Zirconium [Zr/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations zrfe_gspspec_upper 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of Zirconium [Zr/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations zrfe_gspspec_nlines dex Number of lines used for [Zr/Fe] abundance estimation zrfe_gspspec_linescatter 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [Zr/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in zrfeGspspecNlines nfe_gspspec 'dex' Abundance of Nitrogen [N/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in nfeGspspecNlines nfe_gspspec_lower 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of Nitrogen [N/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations nfe_gspspec_upper 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of Nitrogen [N/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations nfe_gspspec_nlines dex Number of lines used for [N/Fe] abundance estimation nfe_gspspec_linescatter 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [N/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in nfeGspspecNlines crfe_gspspec 'dex' Abundance of Chromium [Cr/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in crfeGspspecNlines crfe_gspspec_lower 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of Chromium [Cr/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations crfe_gspspec_upper 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of Chromium [Cr/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations crfe_gspspec_nlines dex Number of lines used for [Cr/Fe] abundance estimation crfe_gspspec_linescatter 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [Cr/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in crfeGspspecNlines cefe_gspspec 'dex' Abundance of Cerium [Ce/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in cefeGspspecNlines cefe_gspspec_lower 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of Cerium [Ce/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations cefe_gspspec_upper 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of Cerium [Ce/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations cefe_gspspec_nlines dex Number of lines used for [Ce/Fe] abundance estimation cefe_gspspec_linescatter 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [Ce/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in cefeGspspecNlines nife_gspspec 'dex' Abundance of Nickel [Ni/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in nifeGspspecNlines nife_gspspec_lower 'dex' 16th percentile of the abundance of Nickel [Ni/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations nife_gspspec_upper 'dex' 84th percentile of the abundance of Nickel [Ni/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations nife_gspspec_nlines dex Number of lines used for [Ni/Fe] abundance estimation nife_gspspec_linescatter 'dex' Uncertainty estimation of [Ni/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in nifeGspspecNlines cn0ew_gspspec nm Equivalent witdh of cyanogen absorption line, derived from RVS spectra cn0ew_gspspec_uncertainty nm Uncertainty of equivalent witdh of cyanogen absorption line, derived from RVS spectra cn0_gspspec_centralline nm Central wavelength of cyanogen line, derived from RVS spectra using DIB algorithm cn0_gspspec_width nm Width of cyoanogen line, derived from RVS spectra using DIB algorithm dib_gspspec_lambda nm DIB central wavelength from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra dib_gspspec_lambda_uncertainty nm Uncertainty on DIB central wavelength from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra dibew_gspspec angstrom Equivalent width of the DIB from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra dibew_gspspec_uncertainty angstrom Global uncertainty on DIB equivalent width value using DIB algorithm dibewnoise_gspspec_uncertainty angstrom Uncertainty on DIB equivalent width value occuring from noise part dibp0_gspspec Depth (\(p_0\) parameter) of the DIB derived from a Gaussian model fit dibp2_gspspec angstrom Width (\(p_2\) parameter) of the DIB derived from a Gaussian model fit dibp2_gspspec_uncertainty angstrom Uncertainty on the dibp2Gspspec parameter dibqf_gspspec Quality flag of the DIB computation logchisq_gspspec Logarithm of the goodness-of-fit for the GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin parameters ew_espels_halpha nm Halpha pseudo-equivalent width from ESP-ELS ew_espels_halpha_uncertainty nm Uncertainty of the Halpha pseudo-equivalent width from ESP-ELS ew_espels_halpha_flag Quality flag of the Halpha pseudo-equivalent width from ESP-ELS ew_espels_halpha_model nm Halpha pseudo-equivalent width from ESP-ELS measured on the synthetic spectrum classlabel_espels Adopted ELS class label from ESP-ELS classlabel_espels_flag Quality flag of the adopted ELS class label from ESP-ELS classprob_espels_wcstar Probability from ESP-ELS of being a Wolf-Rayet star of type WC classprob_espels_wnstar Probability from ESP-ELS of being a Wolf-Rayet star of type WN classprob_espels_bestar Probability from ESP-ELS of being a Be Star classprob_espels_ttauristar Probability from ESP-ELS of being a T Tauri Star classprob_espels_herbigstar Probability from ESP-ELS of being a Herbig Ae/Be Star classprob_espels_dmestar Probability from ESP-ELS of being an active M dwarf Star classprob_espels_pne Probability from ESP-ELS of being a planetary nebula azero_esphs mag Monochromatic interstellar extinction, A\(_\mathrm{0}\), from ESP-HS azero_esphs_uncertainty mag Uncertainty at a 68% confidence level on A\(_\mathrm{0}\) from ESP-HS ag_esphs mag Intersterstellar extinction in G band from ESP-HS ag_esphs_uncertainty mag Uncertainty on \(A_{\rm G}\) from ESP-HS ebpminrp_esphs mag Reddening \(E(G_{\rm BP} - G_{\rm RP})\) from ESP-HS ebpminrp_esphs_uncertainty mag Uncertainty on \(E(G_{\rm BP} - G_{\rm RP})\) from ESP-HS teff_esphs K Effective temperature from ESP-HS teff_esphs_uncertainty K Uncertainty at a 68% confidence level on the effective temperature from ESP-HS logg_esphs log(cm.s**-2) Surface gravity from ESP-HS logg_esphs_uncertainty log(cm.s**-2) Uncertainty at a 68% confidence level on the surface gravity from ESP-HS vsini_esphs km.s**-1 Projected rotational velocity from ESP-HS vsini_esphs_uncertainty km.s**-1 Uncertainty on the projected rotational velocity from ESP-HS spectraltype_esphs Spectral type from ESP-ELS activityindex_espcs nm Chromospheric activity index from ESP-CS, measured on the calcium triplet using RVS spectra activityindex_espcs_uncertainty nm Uncertainty in the chromospheric activity index from ESP-CS activityindex_espcs_input Source of input stellar parameters for the computation of the activity index by ESP-CS teff_espucd K Effective temperature estimate from ESP-UCD based on the RP spectrum teff_espucd_uncertainty K Uncertainty of the effective temperature estimate produced by ESP-UCD flags_espucd Quality flags of the ESP-UCD parameter estimates radius_flame solRad Radius of the star from FLAME using teffGspphot and lumFlame radius_flame_lower solRad Lower confidence level (16%) of radiusFlame radius_flame_upper solRad Upper confidence level (84%) of radiusFlame lum_flame solLum Luminosity of the star from FLAME using G band magnitude, extinction (agGspphot), parallax or distance, and a bolometric correction bcFlame lum_flame_lower solLum Lower confidence level (16%) of lumFlame lum_flame_upper solLum Upper confidence level (84%) of lumFlame mass_flame solMass Mass of the star from FLAME using stellar models, lumFlame, and teffGspphot mass_flame_lower solMass Lower confidence level (16%) of massFlame mass_flame_upper solMass Upper confidence level (84%) of massFlame age_flame Gyr Age of the star from FLAME using stellar models, see massFlame for details age_flame_lower Gyr Lower confidence level (16%) of ageFlame age_flame_upper Gyr Upper confidence level (84%) of ageFlame flags_flame Flags indicating quality and processing information from FLAME evolstage_flame Evolutionary stage of the star from FLAME using stellar models, see massFlame for details gravredshift_flame km.s**-1 Gravitational redshift from FLAME using radiusFlame and loggGspphot gravredshift_flame_lower km.s**-1 Lower confidence level (16%) of gravredshiftFlame gravredshift_flame_upper km.s**-1 Upper confidence level (84%) of gravredshiftFlame bc_flame mag Bolometric correction used to derive lumFlame mh_msc 'dex' Metallicity of the source treated as a binary system from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax mh_msc_upper 'dex' Upper confidence level (84%) of the metallicity from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax mh_msc_lower 'dex' Lower confidence level (16%) of the metallicity from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax azero_msc mag Monochromatic extinction \(A_0\) at 547.7nm of the source treated as a binary system from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax azero_msc_upper mag Upper confidence level (84%) of monochromatic extinction \(A_0\) at 547.7nm from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax azero_msc_lower mag Lower confidence level (16%) of monochromatic extinction \(A_0\) at 547.7nm from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax distance_msc pc Distance from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax distance_msc_upper pc Upper confidence level (84%) of distance from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax distance_msc_lower pc Lower confidence level (16%) of distance from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax teff_msc1 K Effective temperature of the primary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax teff_msc1_upper K Upper confidence level (84%) of effective temperature of the primary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax teff_msc1_lower K Lower confidence level (16%) of effective temperature of the primary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax teff_msc2 K Effective temperature of the secondary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax teff_msc2_upper K Upper confidence level (84%) of effective temperature of the secondary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax teff_msc2_lower K Lower confidence level (16%) of effective temperature of the secondary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax logg_msc1 log(cm.s**-2) Surface gravity of the primary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax logg_msc1_upper log(cm.s**-2) Upper confidence level (84%) of surface gravity of the primary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax logg_msc1_lower log(cm.s**-2) Lower confidence level (16%) of surface gravity of the primary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax logg_msc2 log(cm.s**-2) Surface gravity of the secondary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax logg_msc2_upper log(cm.s**-2) Upper confidence level (84%) of surface gravity of the secondary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax logg_msc2_lower log(cm.s**-2) Lower confidence level (16%) of surface gravity of the secondary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax ag_msc mag Extinction in G band of the source treated as a binary system from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax ag_msc_upper mag Upper confidence level (84%) of extinction in G band from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax ag_msc_lower mag Lower confidence level (16%) of extinction in G band from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax logposterior_msc Goodness-of-fit score (normalised log-posterior) of MSC MCMC mcmcaccept_msc Mean MCMC acceptance rate of MSC MCMC mcmcdrift_msc Mean drift of the MSC MCMC chain in units of parameter standard deviation flags_msc Flag indicating quality information from MSC neuron_oa_id Identifier of the OA SOM map neuron that represents the source neuron_oa_dist Distance between the source XP spectra and the OA neuron XP prototype that represents the source neuron_oa_dist_percentile_rank Percentile rank according to the distance distribution of the OA neuron that represents the source flags_oa Flags indicating quality and processing information from OA