Plot type: Histogram bins the data by a single field and displays count of objects per bin. Heatmap bins the data by two fields and displays count as color. Conditional distribution bins the data by one field and displays the distribution of a second field within that bin as a boxplot (range and quartiles). Shows a scatterplot of a (random subset) of actual data points.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
Count: Choose whether the object count per bin is shown in linear or log scale. Count is shown on the Y axis. Count is shown on the color (Z) axis.
Active Filters
reset all
Use "*" as wildcard
μ : {{filter.aggs.avg?filter.render(filter.aggs.avg):'no data'}}
Examples:{{ bucket.key }}




Select field to filter
Random Sample
Python Query

Example python code to apply the above filters and retrieve data. To use, download and install this module.

Fields Dictionary
Field Variable Type Units Description
field field byte CANDELS field (COSMOS, EGS, GOODS-N, GOODS-S, UDS)
realization realization byte Realization between 0-7
bolshoi_halo_id halo_id_nbody long halo id from Bolshoi halo catalog
gal_id gal_id long galaxy id
gal_type gal_type integer 0=central, 1=satellite, 2=orphan
z_nopec z_nopec float redshift (without peculiar velocity)
z redshift float redshift (with peculiar velocity)
coord RA ra float deg Right Ascension
coord Dec dec float deg Declination
halo_mass m_vir float \(10^{10}M_\odot\) host halo virial mass
V_vir V_vir float km/s host halo virial velocity
r_vir r_vir float Mpc host halo virial radius (physical coordinates)
c_NFW c_NFW float NFW concentration (host halo)
spin spin float dimensionless spin parameter (host halo)
M_star_diffuse mstar_diffuse float \(10^{10}M_\odot\) mass of stars in a 'diffuse stellar halo'
M_hot_halo m_hot_halo float \(10^{10}M_\odot\) mass of hot gas in host halo
Z_hot_halo Z_hot_halo float \(Z_\odot\) metallicity of hot gas in host halo
v_disk v_disk float km/s maximum rotation velocity of disk
r_disk r_disk float kpc scale length of disk
sigma_bulge sigma_bulge float km/s line-of-sight velocity dispersion of bulge
r_bulge rbulge float kpc effective radius of bulge (projected)
M mhalo float \(10^{10}M_\odot\) mass of sub-halo (at the time it became a sub)
M_stellar mstar float \(10^{10}M_\odot\) stellar mass
M_cold mcold float \(10^{10}M_\odot\) mass of cold gas
M_bulge mbulge float \(10^{10}M_\odot\) stellar mass of bulge component
M_BH mbh float \(10^{10}M_\odot\) mass of black hole
BHAR maccdot float \(M_\odot\)/yr total accretion rate onto black hole
BHAR_radio maccdot_radio float \(M_\odot\)/yr BHAR associated with 'radio mode'
Z_star Zstar float \(Z_\odot\) mass weighted metallicity of stars
Z_cold Zcold float \(Z_\odot\) mass weighted metallicity of cold gas
SFR_inst mstardot float \(M_\odot/yr\) instantaneous star formation rate
SFR sfr_ave float \(M_\odot/yr\) star formation rate averaged over past 1E8 yr
age_mean meanage float Gyr mean stellar mass weighted age of stars
t_merge tmerge float Gyr time since last merger greater than 1:10
t_major_merge tmajmerge float Gyr time since last merger greater than 1:4
cosi cosi float cosine of disk inclination angle
UV1500_rest float mag CANDELS/TOPHAT/UV1500top.dat
UV1500_rest UV1500_rest float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge UV1500_rest_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust UV1500_rest_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
UV2300_rest float mag CANDELS/TOPHAT/UV2300top.dat
UV2300_rest float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge UV2300_rest_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust UV2300_rest_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
UV2800_rest float mag CANDELS/TOPHAT/UV2800top.dat
UV2800_rest float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge UV2800_rest_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust UV2800_rest_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
U_rest float mag CANDELS/Johnson/Johnson_U.dat
U_rest float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge U_rest_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust U_rest_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
B_rest float mag CANDELS/Johnson/Johnson_B.dat
B_rest float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge B_rest_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust B_rest_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
V_rest float mag CANDELS/Johnson/Johnson_V.dat
V_rest float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge V_rest_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust V_rest_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
R_rest float mag CANDELS/Johnson/Cousins_R.dat
R_rest float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge R_rest_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust R_rest_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
I_rest float mag CANDELS/Johnson/Cousins_I.dat
I_rest float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge I_rest_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust I_rest_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
J_rest float mag CANDELS/Johnson/Bessell_J.dat
J_rest float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge J_rest_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust J_rest_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
H_rest float mag CANDELS/Johnson/Bessell_H.dat
H_rest float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge H_rest_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust H_rest_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
K_rest float mag CANDELS/Johnson/Bessell_K.dat
K_rest float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge K_rest_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust K_rest_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
galex_FUV float mag CANDELS/GALEX/galex_FUV.dat
galex_FUV float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge galex_FUV_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust galex_FUV_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
galex_NUV float mag CANDELS/GALEX/galex_NUV.dat
galex_NUV float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge galex_NUV_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust galex_NUV_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
sdss_u float mag CANDELS/SDSS/sdss_u.dat
sdss_u float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge sdss_u_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust sdss_u_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
sdss_g float mag CANDELS/SDSS/sdss_g.dat
sdss_g float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge sdss_g_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust sdss_g_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
sdss_r float mag CANDELS/SDSS/sdss_r.dat
sdss_r float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge sdss_r_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust sdss_r_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
sdss_i float mag CANDELS/SDSS/sdss_i.dat
sdss_i float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge sdss_i_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust sdss_i_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
sdss_z float mag CANDELS/SDSS/sdss_z.dat
sdss_z float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge sdss_z_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust sdss_z_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
acsf435w float mag CANDELS/ACS/f435w.WFC1.dat
acsf435w float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge acsf435w_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust acsf435w_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
acsf606w float mag CANDELS/ACS/f606w.WFC1.dat
acsf606w float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge acsf606w_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust acsf606w_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
acsf775w float mag CANDELS/ACS/f775w.WFC1.dat
acsf775w float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge acsf775w_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust acsf775w_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
acsf814w float mag CANDELS/ACS/f814w.WFC1.dat
acsf814w float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge acsf814w_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust acsf814w_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
acsf850lp float mag CANDELS/ACS/f850lp.WFC1.dat
acsf850lp float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge acsf850lp_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust acsf850lp_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
wfc3f275w float mag CANDELS/WFC3/f275w.UVIS1.dat
wfc3f275w float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge wfc3f275w_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust wfc3f275w_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
wfc3f336w float mag CANDELS/WFC3/f336w.UVIS1.dat
wfc3f336w float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge wfc3f336w_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust wfc3f336w_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
wfc3f105w float mag CANDELS/WFC3/f105w.IR.dat
wfc3f105w float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge wfc3f105w_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust wfc3f105w_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
wfc3f125w float mag CANDELS/WFC3/f125w.IR.dat
wfc3f125w float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge wfc3f125w_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust wfc3f125w_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
wfc3f160w float mag CANDELS/WFC3/f160w.IR.dat
wfc3f160w float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge wfc3f160w_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust wfc3f160w_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
ctio_U float mag CANDELS/CTIO/U_ctio_mosaic_tot.dat
ctio_U float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge ctio_U_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust ctio_U_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
CFHTLS_u float mag CANDELS/CFHTLS/uMega.fil
CFHTLS_u float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge CFHTLS_u_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust CFHTLS_u_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
musyc_u38 float mag CANDELS/MUSYC/ecdfs.U38.filt.dat
musyc_u38 float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge musyc_u38_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust musyc_u38_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
UKIRT_J float mag CANDELS/UKIRT/J_filter.dat
UKIRT_J float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge UKIRT_J_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust UKIRT_J_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
UKIRT_H float mag CANDELS/UKIRT/H_filter.dat
UKIRT_H float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge UKIRT_H_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust UKIRT_H_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
UKIRT_K float mag CANDELS/UKIRT/K_filter.dat
UKIRT_K float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge UKIRT_K_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust UKIRT_K_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
irac_ch1 float mag CANDELS/IRAC/irac_ch1.dat
irac_ch1 float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge irac_ch1_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust irac_ch1_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
irac_ch2 float mag CANDELS/IRAC/irac_ch2.dat
irac_ch2 float mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction
bulge irac_ch2_bulge float mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction
dust irac_ch2_dust float mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust
About Catalog

These lightcones have been populated using the Santa Cruz semi-analytic models, as documented in Somerville et al. (2015) and Yung et al..
(2019). Please see Somerville et al. (2020) and for more details.

Data Release: v2 2020-03-11.

More under:

Active Filters



Raw Data
field CANDELS field (COSMOS, EGS, GOODS-N, GOODS-S, UDS) realization Realization between 0-7 bolshoi_halo_id halo id from Bolshoi halo catalog gal_id galaxy id gal_type 0=central, 1=satellite, 2=orphan z_nopec redshift (without peculiar velocity) z redshift (with peculiar velocity) coord RA
deg Right Ascension
coord Dec
deg Declination
\(10^{10}M_\odot\) host halo virial mass
km/s host halo virial velocity
Mpc host halo virial radius (physical coordinates)
c_NFW NFW concentration (host halo) spin dimensionless spin parameter (host halo) M_star_diffuse
\(10^{10}M_\odot\) mass of stars in a 'diffuse stellar halo'
\(10^{10}M_\odot\) mass of hot gas in host halo
\(Z_\odot\) metallicity of hot gas in host halo
km/s maximum rotation velocity of disk
kpc scale length of disk
km/s line-of-sight velocity dispersion of bulge
kpc effective radius of bulge (projected)
\(10^{10}M_\odot\) mass of sub-halo (at the time it became a sub)
\(10^{10}M_\odot\) stellar mass
\(10^{10}M_\odot\) mass of cold gas
\(10^{10}M_\odot\) stellar mass of bulge component
\(10^{10}M_\odot\) mass of black hole
\(M_\odot\)/yr total accretion rate onto black hole
\(M_\odot\)/yr BHAR associated with 'radio mode'
\(Z_\odot\) mass weighted metallicity of stars
\(Z_\odot\) mass weighted metallicity of cold gas
\(M_\odot/yr\) instantaneous star formation rate
\(M_\odot/yr\) star formation rate averaged over past 1E8 yr
Gyr mean stellar mass weighted age of stars
Gyr time since last merger greater than 1:10
Gyr time since last merger greater than 1:4
cosi cosine of disk inclination angle UV1500_rest mag CANDELS/TOPHAT/UV1500top.dat UV2300_rest mag CANDELS/TOPHAT/UV2300top.dat UV2800_rest mag CANDELS/TOPHAT/UV2800top.dat U_rest mag CANDELS/Johnson/Johnson_U.dat B_rest mag CANDELS/Johnson/Johnson_B.dat V_rest mag CANDELS/Johnson/Johnson_V.dat R_rest mag CANDELS/Johnson/Cousins_R.dat I_rest mag CANDELS/Johnson/Cousins_I.dat J_rest mag CANDELS/Johnson/Bessell_J.dat H_rest mag CANDELS/Johnson/Bessell_H.dat K_rest mag CANDELS/Johnson/Bessell_K.dat galex_FUV mag CANDELS/GALEX/galex_FUV.dat galex_NUV mag CANDELS/GALEX/galex_NUV.dat sdss_u mag CANDELS/SDSS/sdss_u.dat sdss_g mag CANDELS/SDSS/sdss_g.dat sdss_r mag CANDELS/SDSS/sdss_r.dat sdss_i mag CANDELS/SDSS/sdss_i.dat sdss_z mag CANDELS/SDSS/sdss_z.dat acsf435w mag CANDELS/ACS/f435w.WFC1.dat acsf606w mag CANDELS/ACS/f606w.WFC1.dat acsf775w mag CANDELS/ACS/f775w.WFC1.dat acsf814w mag CANDELS/ACS/f814w.WFC1.dat acsf850lp mag CANDELS/ACS/f850lp.WFC1.dat wfc3f275w mag CANDELS/WFC3/f275w.UVIS1.dat wfc3f336w mag CANDELS/WFC3/f336w.UVIS1.dat wfc3f105w mag CANDELS/WFC3/f105w.IR.dat wfc3f125w mag CANDELS/WFC3/f125w.IR.dat wfc3f160w mag CANDELS/WFC3/f160w.IR.dat ctio_U mag CANDELS/CTIO/U_ctio_mosaic_tot.dat CFHTLS_u mag CANDELS/CFHTLS/uMega.fil musyc_u38 mag CANDELS/MUSYC/ecdfs.U38.filt.dat UKIRT_J mag CANDELS/UKIRT/J_filter.dat UKIRT_H mag CANDELS/UKIRT/H_filter.dat UKIRT_K mag CANDELS/UKIRT/K_filter.dat irac_ch1 mag CANDELS/IRAC/irac_ch1.dat irac_ch2 mag CANDELS/IRAC/irac_ch2.dat
UV1500_rest mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction bulge mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction dust mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction bulge mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction dust mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction bulge mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction dust mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction bulge mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction dust mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction bulge mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction dust mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction bulge mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction dust mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction bulge mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction dust mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction bulge mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction dust mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction bulge mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction dust mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction bulge mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction dust mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction bulge mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction dust mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction bulge mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction dust mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction bulge mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction dust mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction bulge mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction dust mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction bulge mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction dust mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction bulge mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction dust mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction bulge mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction dust mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction bulge mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction dust mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust mag total galaxy magnitude, without extinction bulge mag magnitude of bulge only, without extinction dust mag galaxy magnitude, including extinction by dust mag 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