UniverseMachine Explore in new beta mode
Plot type: Histogram bins the data by a single field and displays count of objects per bin. Heatmap bins the data by two fields and displays count as color. Conditional distribution bins the data by one field and displays the distribution of a second field within that bin as a boxplot (range and quartiles). Shows a scatterplot of a (random subset) of actual data points.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
Count: Choose whether the object count per bin is shown in linear or log scale. Count is shown on the Y axis. Count is shown on the color (Z) axis.
Active Filters
reset all
Use "*" as wildcard
μ : {{filter.aggs.avg?filter.render(filter.aggs.avg):'no data'}}
Examples:{{ bucket.key }}




Select field to filter
Random Sample
Python Query

Example python code to apply the above filters and retrieve data. To use, download and install this module.

Fields Dictionary
Field Variable Type Units Description
field field byte CANDELS field (COSMOS, EGS, GOODS-N, GOODS-S, UDS)
realization realization byte Realization between 0-7
coord RA RA float deg Right Ascension
coord Dec Dec float deg Declination
z Z(los) float Redshift including redshift-space distortions.
z_nopec Z(cosmo) float Cosmological redshift---i.e., without redshift-space distortions.
Scale Scale float Scale factor of the timestep from which the halo was taken
gal_id ID long Halo ID (unique across all timesteps)
DescID DescID long ID of descendant halo (or -1 at z = 0)
UPID UPID long -1 for central halos, otherwise, ID of largest parent halo
Position float Mpc
X X float Mpc Position of halo relative to axes of lightcone (distance along lightcone) in comoving Mpc/h
Y Y float Mpc Position of halo relative to axes of lightcone (distance perpendicular to lightcone X-axis) in comoving Mpc/h
Z Z float Mpc Position of halo relative to axes of lightcone (distance perpendicular to lightcone X-axis) in comoving Mpc/h
Velocity float km/s
vel x VX float km/s Peculiar velocity in physical (i.e., non-comoving) km/s, relative to lightcone axes
vel y VY float km/s Peculiar velocity in physical (i.e., non-comoving) km/s, relative to lightcone axes
vel z VZ float km/s Peculiar velocity in physical (i.e., non-comoving) km/s, relative to lightcone axes
M M float \(10^{10}M_\odot\) Halo mass (Bryan & Norman (BN98) 1998 virial mass)
V V float km/s Halo \(v_{max}\) (physical)
MP MP float \(10^{10}M_\odot\) Halo peak historical mass (BN98 virial mass)
VMP VMP float km/s Halo vmax at the time when peak mass was reached
R R float Mpc Halo raidus (BN98 vir, co-moving kpc/h)
Rank1 Rank1 float \(\Delta v_{max}\) Halo rank (see UniverseMachine paper)
M_stellar SM float \(10^{10}M_\odot\) True stellar mass
ICL ICL float \(10^{10}M_\odot\) True intracluster stellar mass
SFR SFR float \(M_\odot/yr\) True star formation rate
obs_SM obs_SM float \(10^{10}M_\odot\) Observed stellar mass, including random & systematic errors
obs_SFR obs_SFR float \(M_\odot/yr\) Observed star formation rate (SFR), including random & systemic errors
SSFR SSFR float Observed SSFR
SM/HM SM/HM float SM/HM ratio
UV1500_rest obs_UV float \(M_{1500} AB\) Observed UV Magnitude
A_UV A_UV float AB Mag UV attenuation from dust
About Catalog

These lightcones have been populated using the UniverseMachine empirical model. For more details please see Behroozi et al. (2019) and Somerville et al. (2020).

Data Release: v1 2019-07-26.

Data also available at peterbehroozi.com.

More under:

Active Filters



Raw Data
field CANDELS field (COSMOS, EGS, GOODS-N, GOODS-S, UDS) realization Realization between 0-7 coord RA
deg Right Ascension
coord Dec
deg Declination
z Redshift including redshift-space distortions. z_nopec Cosmological redshift---i.e., without redshift-space distortions. Scale Scale factor of the timestep from which the halo was taken gal_id Halo ID (unique across all timesteps) DescID ID of descendant halo (or -1 at z = 0) UPID -1 for central halos, otherwise, ID of largest parent halo Position Mpc Velocity km/s M
\(10^{10}M_\odot\) Halo mass (Bryan & Norman (BN98) 1998 virial mass)
km/s Halo \(v_{max}\) (physical)
\(10^{10}M_\odot\) Halo peak historical mass (BN98 virial mass)
km/s Halo vmax at the time when peak mass was reached
Mpc Halo raidus (BN98 vir, co-moving kpc/h)
\(\Delta v_{max}\) Halo rank (see UniverseMachine paper)
\(10^{10}M_\odot\) True stellar mass
\(10^{10}M_\odot\) True intracluster stellar mass
\(M_\odot/yr\) True star formation rate
\(10^{10}M_\odot\) Observed stellar mass, including random & systematic errors
\(M_\odot/yr\) Observed star formation rate (SFR), including random & systemic errors
SSFR Observed SSFR SM/HM SM/HM ratio UV1500_rest
\(M_{1500} AB\) Observed UV Magnitude
AB Mag UV attenuation from dust
X Mpc Position of halo relative to axes of lightcone (distance along lightcone) in comoving Mpc/h Y Mpc Position of halo relative to axes of lightcone (distance perpendicular to lightcone X-axis) in comoving Mpc/h Z Mpc Position of halo relative to axes of lightcone (distance perpendicular to lightcone X-axis) in comoving Mpc/h vel x km/s Peculiar velocity in physical (i.e., non-comoving) km/s, relative to lightcone axes vel y km/s Peculiar velocity in physical (i.e., non-comoving) km/s, relative to lightcone axes vel z km/s Peculiar velocity in physical (i.e., non-comoving) km/s, relative to lightcone axes