Plot type: Histogram bins the data by a single field and displays count of objects per bin. Heatmap bins the data by two fields and displays count as color. Conditional distribution bins the data by one field and displays the distribution of a second field within that bin as a boxplot (range and quartiles). Shows a scatterplot of a (random subset) of actual data points.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
Count: Choose whether the object count per bin is shown in linear or log scale. Count is shown on the Y axis. Count is shown on the color (Z) axis.
Active Filters
reset all
Use "*" as wildcard
μ : {{filter.aggs.avg?filter.render(filter.aggs.avg):'no data'}}
Examples:{{ bucket.key }}




Select field to filter
Random Sample
Python Query

Example python code to apply the above filters and retrieve data. To use, download and install this module.

Fields Dictionary
Field Variable Type Units Description
model model byte
snapshot snapshot short
time time float
Mass Mass float \(M_\odot\) particle mass
position float kpc
x x float kpc position in x
y y float kpc position in y
z z float kpc position in z
velocity float kpc
v_x v_x float km/s velocity in x
v_y v_y float km/s velocity in y
v_z v_z float km/s velocity in z
ID ID long particle ID
J_R J_R float km/s kpc radial action
J_phi J_phi float km/s kpc azimuthal action
J_z J_z float km/s kpc vertical action
Omega_R Omega_R float km/s /kpc radial frequency
Omega_phi Omega_phi float km/s /kpc azimuthal frequency
Omega_z Omega_z float km/s /kpc vertical frequency
Theta_R Theta_R float radians radial angle
Theta_phi Theta_phi float radians azimuthal angle
Theta_z Theta_z float radians vertical angle
R R float kpc Galactocentric radius
phi phi float radians Galactocentric azimuth
v_R v_R float km/s Galactocentric radial velocity
v_phi v_phi float km/s Galactocentric azimuthal velocity
About Catalog

The simulations presented here are Models D1, D2, M1 and M2 from Hunt et al. (2021). They are freely available, but please cite Hunt et al. (2021) if you use them! Currently available are the snapshots presented in the paper, but we intend to make the full time evolution available (at 9.77 Myr intervals) available shortly.

For the dark matter particles we provide x, y, z (kpc), v_x, v_y, v_z (km/s), mass (Solar mass), and particle ID. For the stellar particles, we provide as above, but also include actions, angles and frequencies derived with Agama (Vasiliev 2019): J_R, J_phi, J_z (kpc km/s), theta_R, theta_phi, theta_z (radians) and Omega_R, Omega_phi, Omega_z (km/s /kpc).

Model D1 is an isolated Milky Way like disc galaxy based on Model MWb from Widrow & Dubinski (2005). It remains stable against bar and spiral formation for several Gyr. We present snapshot 200 on Flathub for comparison with the merger model M1 as an example of the un-perturbed galaxy.

Model D2 is an isolated disc galaxy based on Model MWa from Widrow & Dubinski (2005). It forms a bar and transient spiral structure. We present snapshot 549 on Flathub for comparison with the merger model M2 as an example of the un-perturbed galaxy.

Model M1 is the merger of the L2 dwarf galaxy from Laporte et al. (2018) into Model D1. This is an excellent test case for the structure and kinematics induced by the merger, as the disc otherwise remains stable. We present step 702 on Flathub as the `present day’ snapshot, where the dwarf is closest to the location of Sgr in the Milky Way.

Model M2 is the merger of the L2 dwarf galaxy from Laporte et al. (2018) into Model D2. This is a violent merger which creates a thick disc and inner halo from the dwarf remnant. We present snapshot 557 on Flathub as the ‘final’ state of the system.

Note that these models are not intended to be accurate reproductions of the Milky Way - Sgr system, merely test cases for the dynamical processes involved in Disc-dwarf mergers. See Bennet, Bovy & Hunt (2021) for our attempts to better match observations of the Milky Way - Sagittarius dwarf galaxy merger.

Active Filters



Raw Data
model snapshot time Mass
\(M_\odot\) particle mass
position kpc velocity kpc ID particle ID J_R
km/s kpc radial action
km/s kpc azimuthal action
km/s kpc vertical action
km/s /kpc radial frequency
km/s /kpc azimuthal frequency
km/s /kpc vertical frequency
radians radial angle
radians azimuthal angle
radians vertical angle
kpc Galactocentric radius
radians Galactocentric azimuth
km/s Galactocentric radial velocity
km/s Galactocentric azimuthal velocity
x kpc position in x y kpc position in y z kpc position in z v_x km/s velocity in x v_y km/s velocity in y v_z km/s velocity in z